Part 31 ✔️

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It's been a week and things with Chuck are perfect. He's taking me to Europe on the Bass private plan, right now Gabi is helping me pack, "so you think he's gonna ditch you, R? Because I don't want you to get hurt." I sigh, "who knows. He's going to Italy on business and then we're going to London to visit my Aunt Ellen and Uncle Dante. Even if he does stand me up, I will leave the Lord to Blair. I will find my very own Klaus Mikaelson and make Chuck Jealous."

She rolls her eyes, "so you are going on this trip, knowing he's gonna ditch you." I laugh, "look he might not, but I have a plan B. My cousin Geordan has really hot friends who are rich, so I will have my pick. Now tell me, how are things with Scott." She shakes her head, "well I would love to say good, but he called me on Wednesday and told me it was over. He thinks I'm embarrassed to be seen with him because he's not loaded. It doesn't help I called him nobody to Chuck in front of him. I will just have to live it. Now hurry you can't be late or you will get no jump seat, and you won't get to flirt with that totally hot guy." I laugh and say bye as I leave and get in a car.

Gabi's pov:

As I am walking out to get ice cream I pass Nate coming off the phone and I grab his arm as I walk a little bit past him, "hey." He turns around, "hey." I smile, "I was just seeing Roxy off, I think Serena is doing the same with Blair." He laughs, "I was just on the phone with Chuck." I smile, "Roxy and Chuck. Now, there's a couple to root for." He gives me small smile, "yeah, well, if they're happy, I guess I'm happy." I tilt my head to the side, "oh, come on, Nate, when have you ever been happy?"

He smiles, "wow, the gloves are off today, aren't they?" I laugh, "well, I am feeling frisky. You know how I get in the summer." he laughs along and crosses his arms, "yeah, I do." I put my hand on my hip, "well, you won't have to witness any of it. I'm locking myself away in my family's Hamptons house. Well, it is a summer to reflect. Alone. I think, S is doing the same." He nods, "I could not agree more. I just need to take a break away from everything and everyone." I nod and give him a small smile, "yeah." I start to walk away and then I turn back and say, "hey, um, if you wanna reflect alone together,, some time I'll be around." He nods, "what are you up to now."

Roxy's pov:

I walk up to a guy as I see a helicopter land, "excuse me, is that the Bass Helicopter?" He looks me up and down before saying, "no, it's not here yet. Are you on the Bass marketing team?" I laugh shaking my head, "no, I'm a guest of Chuck Bass." I put a hand on my hip as he stops leaning on the car, "if he's anything like his father, he must be terrifying."

I shake my head with a smile, "he's not all bad. He's taking me to Tuscany." He nods with a smile, "that's romantic. So where is he?" I sigh, "on his way. I had to get here early. I like the jump seat." He looks down, "oh." I smile at him confused, "what?" He shrugs, "nothing, it's just, I like the jump seat. I have this thing about flying and it makes me feel more--" I finish his sentence, " in control?" He smiles, "yeah." I smile back, "yeah."

After awhile I get a text that makes me roll my eyes from Chuck. I sigh and the guy from before looks up from his newspaper, "everything alright?" I nod, "yeah, it's Chuck. He says his dad is getting in late and he won't make the flight. But he's booking something commercial." He nods, "well, I'd be willing to flip you for the jump seat." I smile, "Bart did just get the jet reupholstered. And I do like when the ladies make those cookies. What's 10 hours? Absence make the heart grow fonder, right?" With that I get on without Chuck and flirt with the guy. I mean Chuck is probably having sex with that blonde chick right now.

A/N: So that is the end of season one. I hope you are liking this book as much as I am. I am already written season two so that will be up soon on the same book. Also please do comment what you want to see and who you want who to end up with.

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