Part 29 ✔️

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After the concert me and Gabi went home. Gabi told Serena she could tell Dan everything, because she doesn't want to explain it again. I wake up in the morning to see Chuck with his arm around me so naturally I slap him, "ow." I get out the bed, "who, what, when, where, why?" He looks at me still laying down, "we were up late plotting against Georgina. We must have dozed off." I cross my arms, "and you were on the floor, last I checked Bass." Chuck responds with, "I didn't want to hurt my back." I scoff, "why it's not like you ever do anything athletic." He sits up, "well, that's not entirely true, now, is it?" I give him a fake smile, "fine. Nothing that requires removing your scarf." He smirks, "that was one time. It was chilly." I shake my head, "enough about the past. Before you landed in my bed, we actually landed on a good idea."

He looks at his watch and get's up, "well I trust you can take it from here. I have a best man speech to write and no time to write it." I smirk, "don't worry, I can be bitch enough for both of us." He smirks, "I still have the scars on my back to prove it. You know they say if you love something, you should set it free." He says as I shove him out the door, "ugh! They say when you hate something you should slam the door in its face." I then slam the door and hear him say, "I love it when you talk dirty, Robinson."

Soon after he leaves Gabi faceplants on my bed, "I should have told you, as soon as I knew." I lay next to her, "when did you find out?" She sits up, "the morning after we got here." I laugh, "so you wanted to talk all about the fact I lost my virginity to Chuck, but not that you might have killed someone." She sits up, "well I mean, yeah." I shake my head, "so Serena found Dan and Georgina this morning. Are you going to yell at Dan." She nods, "hell yeah! and when he  plays the understanding card I am going to shove it right back in his face." She then got I call from Scott and left the room.

Once Gabi leaves I get a call from Dan and I tell him to come over. I brief him on what to do and he calls Georgina, "voicemail." I roll my eyes, "okay, like we talked about." He nods, "Hey. Hey, it's me, Dan. After you left, Serena and me got in a huge fight. And she said all this crazy stuff. I honestly don't know what to believe. But what I do know is I want to see you. So call me." I smirk, "excellent work. She totally calling back." He shakes his head, "this is so weird. I don't normally do plots against people." I pull a face, "don't worry, virgin. I'll talk you through it."

Then the phone starts to ring, "right on schedule. Answer it the Humphrey." He sighs, "hey. Oh, good, good. I'm so sorry about this morning with Serena. That was awkward, to say the least. Last night really changed things for me. Serena and I left things kind of uncertain, and I think I want to end it. I know I do. Will you meet me?" There's a long pause and then I hear her say, "our spot in the park by the pond?" He looks at me and I nod, "see you there." I smile and clap, "Humphrey, you are a born liar." He gives me a small smile, "thanks, I think." Then I give him a serious look, "all that stuff about last night was genius, anything you wanna tell me?" He shakes his head, "no. Like you said, just born to lie."

I call Blair and we stay hidden until we hear our cue, "... and leave me all alone." We step forward and I smile, "oh, your not alone, Georgie. We're here now." Blair smiles as she turns around, "and we brought some people who really, really want to see you. I think you remember your parents." Dan walks away and when she looks for a way out a guy in a suit is blocking her.

She nods, "okay, mom, dad...this is not what you think. Believe me." I hand her a hankie, "there, there, Georgie. It's gonna be okay." Her mom shakes her head stepping forward, "no. This time it won't." I shrug, "or it won't" Blair looks at me and smirks before looking at Georgina, "your parents were so worried, Georgie. They told us everything. How you were supposed to be on the equestrian circuit, but sold your pony for cocaine."  She shakes her head, "that was a difficult time, but I put that behind me." I nods, "when? when you were in rehab? It's hard to get clean when you hitchhike into town... steal a credit card and book a ticket to Ibiza."

her eyes widen, "you didn't see where they sent me. That place was awful. It was in Utah. At least I lased longer than Lohan." Her mom nods, "we were trying to help." She looks around, "I've had enough. I have to go." Her dad now walks forward, "Georgina, stop." I smile, "yes, stay, Georgina. We'll go. Oh that reminds me. Blair do you have that information, we discussed with her parents." Blair hands her the pamphlet, "what's this?" Her dad says, "where you're going." Her mom nods, "a boot camp for troubled girls." Her dad points to us, "the girls were kind enough to do some research." We step forward, "haven't you heard? We're the crazy bitches around here. Have fun at reform school. Gabi sends her love." With that the two of us leave to get ready for the wedding.

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