Part 9 ✔️

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I had just gotten back from Boston and I walk into the penthouse feeling like I'm walking on sunshine. I drop my bags on the floor and run up to Roxy, "Roxy." She turns and squeals in joy, "Gabi! You are just in time for the masquerade ball. You left for way longer then just a weekend, what happened?" I blush, "well I was getting to know Scott. We spent the whole week together, mom and dad were always at work and I was keeping up with my work. He's perfect." She laughs, "yeah, but you have to wait until end of senior year for him to meet everyone." I shake my head, "no some people never got to meet him until the wedding." She shakes her head, "I hope you know what you're doing. Now come let's get you a dress picked out for the ball."

We get ready and start to gossip, "so are you gonna save Chuck, or let someone else save him." She sighs, "well it would be a pity to let someone that good looking freeze to death." I nudge her, "I knew he was your favourite." She shakes her head, "I would never, he's too much drama for me." I roll my eyes, "you like him, he likes you. He just doesn't want to be tied down." She nods, "and I can live with that. Now let's talk about you. You're finally becoming the you from our world, you're no longer Miss girly. Have you started to sing again." I nods, "yep I sang Make Me Wanna Die in Boston at an underground club." She shakes her, "that song shouldn't even exist."  I lay down on the bed, "I made it out to be my song." She laugh, "you stole it." I shake my head, "it never existed here so I made it."

We walk down the stair case and Roxy's dad was at the bottom and we was in a suit. (dresses above.) Roxy gives him a weird look, "dad where are you going in a suit?" He laugh, "Elanor is hosting a party. You two look amazing, did you make them Roxy?" She nods, "yep limited edition for just us. We have to go the limo is here, have fun daddy." She kisses him on the cheek and leave and get in the limo.

We get to the ball and someone walks up to me, "Gabi is that you?" I look and see who I think is Dean, "Dean? Yeah it's me." He looks shocked, "you look good in dark colours, care to dance?" He holds out his hand for me, "I'll pass thanks, you should go find Sydney. Don't want to keep her waiting." I turn around and leave him just standing there. A guy I don't know asks to dance and he leads me to the dance floor.

Roxy's pov:

Gabi left to dance with a random guy and I am now standing by the drinks all alone. Out of the corner of my eye as it gets later I see Chuck talking to Jenny, he then takes off his jacket and drops it on the floor. I smirk and follow the two of the closely behind. This is going to be fun to watch.

Gabi's pov:

After the first dance I look into his eyes, "do I know you from somewhere." He laughs, "maybe, maybe not." I smile, "do I at least get a name?" He smirks, "you already know it."  My eyes widen, "Scott? Is that you?" He smiles, "I thought I would try and track you down. I know a guy and he found you on a website called Gossip Girl. You were shown on the map to be here so I wanted to surprise you." I laugh, "I thought this wouldn't be your scene." He shrugs, "it's not." I smirk, "then lets go, we can hang out at the penthouse." I lead him out the door, "is that a limo? And you live in a penthouse?" I laugh and push him in the limo.

Roxy's pov:

I walk up the stairs behind Jenny hiding so she won't see me. I hear Chuck, "feel free to find me." He is so dumb it's actually funny. I listen in and hear Jenny, "I found you pants." I can feel the smirk on his face, "well, you're getting warmer. Which is an achievement considering you're already hot." I hear her scoff, "well, you better hope it doesn't get cold." Chuck laughs, "what's that supposed to mean?" The door shuts and Jenny walks past me and I hide. Chuck bangs on the door yelling, "hey, what the hell? Hey, my phone is in my pants. Hey, I'm stuck up here, bitch."

I wait awhile before opening the door, "well, well what happened here." He sighs, "a girl, she was blonde with a yellow dress and purple mask." I nod, "so someone finally taught you a lesson." He scoffs, "I'm gonna kill her." I stop him, "you are not going down there like that. Wait here." He nods and I walk down stairs back to the party.

I find a guy in a black suit, "hey, you wanna come with me into the back room." His eyes light up, "yes. I mean, uh cool." I smirk and lead him behind a door, "take off your jacket and pants. Now and then close your eyes." He nod smiling and does as I tell him. I pick up his clothes, "thanks for the donation." I pick up the clothes and leave him alone in the room. I turn walk up to Chuck, "here you go. Now let's leave." He takes the clothes, "no shoes?" I shake my head, "just hurry the hell up Bass."

Gabi's pov:

The elevator gets to my floor and we walk in, "wow you live here." I nod, "I live with my best friend, my parents moved to Boston. They asked me to visit and then didn't spend any time with me. I guess this is my second family. Come on Scotty Boy, lets go to my room and watch a movie on my laptop. You can pick." I lead him up to my room and we fall asleep watching a movie I don't really know the name of.

Roxy's pov:

Blair gave me a lift home after Gabi left without me, "thanks for the ride B." She nods, "of course R." I hug her goodbye and go up to my penthouse. I open Gabi's door to see her and who I think is Scott asleep watching a movie. I pick up the laptop and turn it off, I grab a blanket and cover them with. I walk out with a smile on my face, I'm happy for her.

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