Part 7 ✔️

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Gabi's pov:

It's the next day and I ring Serena, "hey S can you tell B I can't make it today." I hear her sigh, "she won't like that. Why can't you come." I walk out side the building and James opens the car door for me, "Roxy needs me, She wants to crash her Mom's house warming get a little pay back." Serena sighs, "I'm sure B will understand. Call me later please. Also make sure Roxy doesn't kill her mom." I laugh, "I'll keep her in check. Bye S."

After my plan ride I'm met by Roxy, "oh my God have I missed you Gabi." I hug her, "me too. I wish you went shopping with us. It was so much fun they took me to lunch and everything." She nods, "and tomorrow Blair and Serena will get into a little cat fight." I sigh, "we could stop it." She shakes her head, "if we do then Blair won't start to like Dan at all. When Dan opens up to her, it's the best thing ever and it's the start of their strange friendship."

The car takes us to The Four Seasons, "wow, let me guess, we have the best room in the place." Roxy laugh, "duh, I love being rich." I laugh and we link arms as a man carries my bags to the room. I look around the room, "nice place, where's my room?" She point to a set of double doors, "behind there, go get changed and let's crash this thing." I laugh, "promise me, no cat fights." She mockingly saults me and goes to what I think is her room to get ready.

We get in Roxy's car and start to drive to her mom's house, "hey are you ok?" She nods, "I just want to meet her. She told me about this when I asked if I could stay with her for the time I was in town. It hurts and I don't know why." I pull her in for a hug, "oh R I know. Hey you look amazing and she is going to regret ever blowing you off." (outfits above.) She nods, "yeah your right. You know her new boyfriend is called Fred and he's a music producer. I haven't even met him yet like at all."

The car pulls up in front of a big house. The driver opens the door and we walk to the front door. A man stops us, "names." Roxy laughs, "this is my mother's house. I'm Roxy Robinson I came to surprise her and her new boyfriend." He looks us up and down, "sorry princess I can't let you in, your name isn't on the list." I cross my arms, "go and get the hostess, she will tell you that this is her daughter." The man closes the door behind him and goes to find Roxy's mom.

He comes back and her mom looks shocked and then turns to the man, "could you give us a minute." He nods and leaves, "girls, what are you doing here." Roxy smiles, "well Gabi decided to join me here, and we had nothing to do tonight so we thought why not this." Her mom gives us a fake smile, "I'm sorry girls but you can't come in. It would go over the safety limit," I rise an eyebrow, "how many people do you have in there." She shrugs, "I don't know but I was told by my party planner if I let one more in it would be a fire risk." Roxy scoffs, "whatever mom. First you cancel lunch because Fred and you had to look the guest list. Now I can't come in, if you don't want to see me have the balls to say it to my face." Roxy and me turn around and walk back to the car.

It's the next day and I slept in Roxy's bed last night comforting her, "hey R it's time to get up. We need to get ready to leave." She sits up rubbing her blood shot eyes, "do you think my dad feels the same way about me in our world?" I pull her into a hug, "no of course not. Now lets get ready and on that plane." She nods and we get up. Once we are dressed and packed we go downstairs for breakfast.

We are now sitting at a table in the hotel drinking coffee and eating pancakes, I look behind Roxy and see her mom, "R, your mom is here." She turns around, "mom? What are you doing here?" She pulls up a chair and sits down, "I'm sorry I didn't want to see you sweetie. It's just I'm starting a new life, and I'm not ready for you to become a part of it yet. I promise you will be soon." Roxy stands up, "if I don't fit in your new life then you don't fit in mine. Come on G I already payed the bill the car is waiting."

As our Jet lands B and S spam us with messages telling us what happened, even if we already knew. Roxy told them about her mom as soon as we met up with them for food. "I am so sorry R." B nods and takes her hand, "yeah, I'm sure she'll come around." Roxy shakes her head, "I don't want her to. I'm done with her. For good." I can tell she didn't mean that just like every time in our world when she said she didn't miss her dad. I know her and when she's lying.

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