Part 3 ✔️

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Gabi come running into my room, "ok I'm back and I found the perfect dress. Now I have something to tell you and don't get mad." I sigh, "what did you do?" She gives me a small smile, "Serena wants to come round to talk. I couldn't say no Erik was there." I groan, "I hate you so much. Well I guess I better get out of this uniform." She laughs and leaves me to get changed.

I walk into her room and sit on her bed, "Chuck came round after you left." She shakes her head, "I do not want details." I sigh, "I told him I thought it was a game to him and that I was done playing. Then on his way out he said something. He said 'who said it was a game to me.'" She sighs, "so the Gossip Girl blast now makes sense. are you ok R?" I nod and start to cry, "I mean I don't get it. I just got here and I'm already in tears other Chuck Bass." She pulls me for a hug, "you feel things you did in the memories, trust me I know. In our world I have loving parents, but here I feel abandoned and lonely."

Me and Gabi were sitting downstairs watching a movie waiting for Serena to come. Gabi's phone starts to ring and we see it's Blair, "B what's wrong? Yeah Roxy's with me. Wait slow down, she did what! B we will be right there, yeah see you soon." Gabi turns to me, "Nate told Blair everything." I sigh, "I'll get the macarons." We go to Blair's and watch movies and eat macarons. We all fall asleep in her bed comforting her telling her it will all work out in the end. I know for a fact Serena didn't come because she texted me to cancel.

It's now the night of the party and just like in the show Blair and Nate are back together. The limo pulls up and we get in, "hey guys did we miss anything?" Blair hands us a glass of champagne, "just the boys getting high." We laugh and shake our heads, "you want some Robinson?" I shake my head, "maybe later Bass."

After we drank the whole bottle of champagne the limo pulls up at the party. Blair leaves to say hi to people and someone puts their arms around my waist, "dance with me Robinson." I take their hands off of me, "I thought I told you Bass, I'm done with your games." I walk over to Gabi and we dance the night away getting drunk and a little high.

I look over to the door and see Serena walk in, "look who finally decided to show her face." Gabi looks to the door as well, "looks like this episode is acting the same as before." I nod, "she better not come over here." I see Gabi's sad face when she looks at Dan, "hey don't worry they don't last G you just have to let it play out." She shakes her head, "they end up getting married." I grab her hand, "then change that, we can change the ending." She smiles, "I'll change his if you change Chuck's" I laugh, "no way him and Blair are too cute."

Serena sees us and walks over, "hey guys, have you seen Jenny anywhere." I scoff, "so now you have time for us." She gives me a sheepish smile, "look guys I think she's with Chuck, R you know him better then anyone." I sigh, "try the roof, he likes rooftops. Also try never talking to me again." We both walk away and leave her to find little J.

I see Serena and Dan walk down the stairs with Jenny in their arms taking her to a cab. I see Chuck walk down after they leave the party. I walk over, "your nose is bleeding." He scoffs, "really I hadn't noticed and I though you didn't care." I take his scarf and use it to clean him up, "I said I was done playing, I didn't say I didn't care. See you at brunch Bass." I hand his scarf back and meet back up with Gabi.

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