Part 16 ✔️

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Gabi's pov:

I get up early and leave Roxy a note saying I will meet her at the steps. I walk into a corner shop and start to look at the different types of pregnancy tests. No they are not for me, they are for Roxy and yes I do I have a rough idea of what episode I'm on but I don't care. Roxy is late and she can't keep down her food, does this mean she will hate me for a short amount of time, yes. Will she end up thanking me in the end, yes. As I look at the tests I hear the snap of a camera of a phone. I walk to the counter and the lady tells me what ones best. (outfits above.)

I walk into school and hear my phone go of with a blast that says, 'is G really with child?' Great just what I need. My phone starts to ring and I see it's Scott, "hey what's up." I hear him sigh, "look I know we haven't ever put labels on us or anything, but just tell me if you're seeing other people. You know I really like you and--" I cut him off, "Scott! I'm not pregnant. Look I really like you so no I'm not seeing anybody else. Look I have to go Meet Roxy, talk later?" I can feel a smile on his face, "yeah, I'll take a bus and meet you tonight."

I walk past Jenny on my way to the steps and then walk up and see all of Blair's minions giving me weird looks, "I'm not pregnant." They all say congrats and one I can't remember the name of says, "celebratory drinks after school." I sigh, "yeah whatever. R can I talk to you." She gives me a fake smile, "of course G, excuse me for a moment." 

We walk to the bottom of the steps and she sends me a glare, "you did not do what I think you did Gabi. Now Blair won't have her down fall and you are gonna ruin my life." I sigh, "no I won't because, Jenny won't find out because I don't date Dan. Also the show will find a way. Look just take the test." She sighs, "I don't need the test. I'm not pregnant." I shoves the test in her bag, "take the test R. You need to know if you're having a baby with Ethan or Chuck." she hides it in her bag more, "will you stop."  I shake my head, "take the test." I then turn around and walk away.

I walk into the court yard and I see Blair and Nate, and Dean glaring at them. I wonder how this will play out. I mean it was Roxy that had the scare not Blair so how will her and Nate end. I think the only reason she is scared is because she has a good thing with Ethan but I can tell she doesn't love him.

After school Roxy goes to her room ignoring me. I sigh ad walk into her room, "hey Roxy." She sighs, "learn to knock will you." I scoff, "you haven't taken it have you." She looks at me, "can we talk later? I have a chem test to study for." I roll my eyes, "look Roxy I get why you don't want to take the test. You don't want your stable life with Ethan to crumble down. We both know you and him are not meant to be." she sits up, "look Gabi, I like Ethan. He makes me feel like the only girl in the world, he takes me romantic places and I really like him." I shake my head, "no you want to like him, you don't want to get hurt." she glares at me, "get the hell out now. I can't look at you, you know how this turns out and you did it to me anyway." I sigh and go to my room.

I wait until late at night and when I see Serena on the spotted map leaving the loft. I get a cab and arrive at the loft. I knock on the door and I see Dan, "Gabi?" I look up with tears in my eyes, "hey, I didn't know where  else to go." Dan opens the door, "come in, what's wrong. Please sit down." I sit on his couch, "thanks. Um... I've been thinking all night and I just can't get this out of my head. I mean I tried to not worry but I can't help it." He talks my hands, "you can tell me anything, your one of my best friends at that school you can trust me."

I nod, "Is anyone else here." He looks at Jenny's room, "Jenny's here, but she's listening to music so she won't hear." I look at her door to see her shadow move closer to the door, "I-- I shouldn't of come here. If Roxy knew I was here she would kill me." He sends me a smile, "you can trust be Gabi. Just tell me." I sigh, "You can't tell anyone. Promise me." He nods, "I promise." I wipe my tears, "I never thought I was pregnant. I brought the test for Roxy and she won't take it." He looks confused, "but her and Ethan haven't been together long. Oh-- uh then who." I sigh, "Chuck." His eyes widen, "Roxy and Chuck. Chuck and Roxy."

I nod, "I mean they had this thing a long time ago. She told me she ended it, but one night she slipped up. She won't take the test and I don't know what to do Dan I have to help her." He sits next to me, "what does Chuck say about this... he does know does he? Gabi he may be an ass but he deserves to know." I nod, "I know he does. You're right maybe he can talk her into taking the test. Look I should go." He nods and I leave.

Third persons pov:

That night  little J heard not only about Roxy and Chuck, but she also heard that Serena is worried about Blair because she is lying to Nate about what happened with Dean. What secret will she tell and what one will she keep. Or will she tell both, under the right kind of pressure.

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