Part 8 ✔️

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Gabi's pov:

It's finally Friday and this week has felt so long. Today is I think episode five. I get out of bed just as Maisie was about to wake me up, "I'm up Maisie don't worry. I'll go wake up Roxy." She nods, "of course Miss Gabi, Miss Roxy has been in a mood all week." I send her a small smile and walk into Roxy's room, "wake up sleepy head. tonight is Blair's sleepover." She groans and looks at me, "I cancelled going yesterday, I want a weekend of moping." I sigh, "and she's fine with that." She nods, "she gets it. Now leave I'm taking a sick day. Maisie call the school I'm sick!"

I leave her to her moping and walk downstairs. I sit in the dining room and eat some of the low fat yogurt. My phone starts to ring and I see it's my mom, "hey mom, how are you?" I hear a sigh, "hey darling, look me and your father have been so busy, I am so sorry we didn't call. We were hoping you would fly to Boston. We called the school and got you the day off if you want it." I eat some yogurt, "mom, I would love to bu--" She interrupts me, "great the jet is ready just pack a weekend bag, see you soon. Love you." 

Once I finish eating I pack a bag, and say bye to Roxy. Now the hard part Blair, "hey G, where are you school is about to start." I shake my head, "look Blair, my mom wants me to go to Boston for the weekend and I am about to leave the penthouse." I hear her sigh, "fine, I guess I can give the second blonde minion your spot like I did with Roxy's. Have fun. I have to go, I'm walking into class. Bye G."

I get in the jet and after around an hour it finally lands. Once I get out instead of seeing my mom and dad, I see a driver and a car. "Miss Gabi, Your parents are stuck in a business meeting. I was asked to pick you up and show you around." I huff, "typical, just take me to a good coffee shop and then drop my bags off at home." He nods and opens the door.

We pull up outside a coffee shop and he opens my door, "do you not want me to wait for you Miss?" I shake my head, "no, I will call you to take me home." He nods, "as you wish." He get's in his car and drives to where my parents live. My phone goes off and I look to see it's Gossip Girl, 'what's G doing in Boston instead of school? Her parents nowhere in sight looks like they ditched fast G wonder why this time?' I sigh and walk into the coffee shop.

I wait in line and then order, "hi, can I get a coffee with extra cream and extra sugar and a dash of vanilla. To Go." She writes down my order, "coming right up." I nod and wait to the side of the check out. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around see the person I least expected to see, "hi, my names Scott. Are you new around here, I don't think I've seen you around here before." I nod, "uh, yeah, hi. My names Gabi nice to meet you Scott." They call my order and I get it and pay. He follows me to the door

"So do you need a tour guide. I like to think I know my way around." I smile, "sure. Hang on I need to make a call and then we can go." He nods and I walk a bit away from him and call Roxy, "hello?" She sounds sad and like she just woke up, "girl I know you hate life right now but, I just met someone you will not be able to guess who." I hear shuffling in the backround like she's sitting up, "who?" I look over to him to make sure he isn't listening, "Lily and Rufus' love child, Scott Rosson." Roxy gasps, "no way." I nod and then realise she can't see, "yep. He offered to show me around, I said yes. He's kind of cute with his big brown eyes." She laughs, "go for it. You always said he was cute you only liked Dan more because he was in the show more." I smile, "I'm gonna go for it. Bye R, feel better soon." "bye G. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I walk back over to Scott, "sorry it was my best friend from home. I promised I would call." He nods and offers his arm, "shall we." I link arms with him, "we shall." We walk over to a taxi and he tells the driver some address. Finally the taxi stops at what looks to be an abandoned building. We get out of the taxi and he pays the man. I turn to Scott, "did you bring me here to kill me?" He laughs, "no just follow me."

We walk around the building and I see a set of cellar doors. He opens them and we walk down a set of stairs. Once we get in I see an underground club, "this is amazing. Wow." I look around and Scott is saying hi to people. This place kind of reminds me of Lily's flashback episode, "you seem popular around here." He shrugs, "when I found out my family wasn't my real family in middle school I went for a run. I found this place and ever since then this place became my other family." I nod, "I get it, this is a safe place, where no one can judge you." I look at the stage and then back at him, "you know I can sing." He laughs, "I bet not the kind of music they want." I smirk and run off to the guys that look like the people in charge of the stage.

A guy walks onto the stage, "hey guys we have a new comer who would like to show you what she's got, she came all the way from New York give it up for Gabi." They all clap and I start to sing, because Taylor Momsen doesn't exist nether does her music. I decide to make it my own, it's not stealing if it never existed here. (song above.) They all cheered as I walked off the stage, Scott walks over to me, "I did not expect that." I laugh, "what can I say I have a dark side. Call me to hang out, I'm going to be back in New York on Monday. Toddles Scotty boy." I walk out of the underground club and call the driver to take me home. Well to my Boston home anyway.

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