Part 27 ✔️

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Gabi's pov:

I hear Dan and walk down the stairs, "what are you doing." Serena walks up to me, "G." I shake my head, "it's okay." Me and Dan walk away from them, "what's happening." I sigh, "Dan." He shakes his head, "something is going on, and I just want to know what it is." I look down, "it's hard to explain." He  covers his face and then looks at me, "let me make it easy for you. I know you're keeping something from me. I'm sick of being the only one you don't talk to. You came to me last time, come to me again please." I shake my head, "I'm not talking to anyone, not even Roxy."

He points to them, "then what are they doing here. While I get a call from a bartender telling me, you left with a bunch of guys. Is that what you don't want to tell me, you cheated on Scott." I look down, "please stop." He keeps going, "you told me you would never do that because you know how that felt. Have you changed that much." I look down, "I guess I have." he shakes his head, "I'm done. I don't know you anymore. I'm done." I mean I'm not too sure why he cared so much but he did. I just lost Dan and Gossip Girl hates me great.

I look at all of them, "I can't believe I just did that." Nate puts a hand on my shoulder, "Then why did you? I mean, did you cheat on Scott?" I shake my head, "no, I remember last night, I didn't do anything." Serena looks at me, "then why would you say that to him." I run my hand down my face, "I would rather Dan think I cheated and changed into a party girl then know what I really did." Nate looks at me, "what you really did?" I look at Serena, "you know Dan, he puts us on pedestals. If he knows the truth, he would never look at me again."

I walk over to the couch and they follow Roxy siting next to me. Chuck says, "you're starting to scare even me. What did you do?" Nate says, "come on you can tell us." Roxy makes me look at her, "come on, we both know you can tell all of us anything. You don't have to hide anything from us."

Nate joins in, "she's right Gabi, none of us are saints." Blair nods, "I had sex with Dean in the back of his town car." Roxy nods, "I had sex with Chuck in the back of his limo." Chuck smirks, "several times." Nate looks at Chuck before saying, "me and Serena had sex at a wedding while I was Blair's date. Once." We all look to Chuck and he says, "I'm Chuck Bass." Roxy turns to me to her, "you can tell us anything. We don't judge. We're the non-judging Breakfast Club. We're your best friends." Blair nods, "anything you do is something we did too."

I looks around the room, "If I tell you, it can never leave this room." They all nod and sit down. I look down and say, "you all know Georgina Sparks." Blair looks at Chuck, "some of us better then others. Not like you didn't lose your virginity to her in the seventh grade." He glares at Blair, "sixth actually, I've been avoiding her ever since. Bitch is psycho, seventh grade was the year Roxy lost it to me to show me not all girls are crazy."

Nate changes the subject, "what about her?" Roxy takes my hands, "I used to party with her and I was always I mess after. Roxy was the only one to know." Roxy nods, "I didn't like it or her one bit." I give her a look before continuing, "something happened the night of the Shepherd wedding. Something other then Nate and Serena. This is something I've tried to escape, but Georgina won't let me. And now she's blackmailing me." Roxy gives me comforting smile and Nate rises an eyebrow, "blackmailing you?" I nod and Chuck asks, "with what exactly?"

I look down, "after Blair sent Nate and Serena out to get some air, I went to get my phone from the table. I saw Dean and some girl from the wedding party kissing. I was too drunk to do anything so I fled. I was so sad. Then I get a phone call saying Serena cancelled on her so to meet her at a hotel room. I just wanted to forget so I went. Little did I know she had a surprise waiting for me. When I got there I was mess."

Flashback to that night:

Georgina was on the bed with the dealer Pete, "hey, baby. How are the new Mr and Mrs Shepard?" I didn't know it at the time but she was filming me. Lucky for me, I was too sad on what I saw... to be much fun for anyone. I was on the bed drinking, "I can't believe he would do that. We have been dating for two years. What sort of person does that?" Pete looked at Georgie, "this isn't a therapy session. G, you promised a party." She smiles, "so break out the favours. Thank you." They started to make the lines but I went to the bathroom feeling sick. When I came back he kept kissing me neck, "no, Pete, I'm not in the mood, okay?" He looked at me, "come on baby." I started to feel hot so took off the top of my two piece, "it's too hot." He smirks, "oh, you are too hot." He started to kiss me from the top of my arm until he got to my lips.

Present day:

I start to cry and Blair puts a hand on my arm, "what is it?" I shake my head, "I can't." She nods, "yes, yes, you can." I look down, "I'm scared." Roxy puts her hand on my face, "look at me, you can do this. We are right here Gabs."

Flashback to that night:

I ended up pushing him before we went in too far, "no, I can't, I can't. I can't do this Pete, okay? I can't. You know, how about we do a couple of lines first okay?" He nods, "whatever baby." I get the lines they had made before and gave them to him, "here go ahead."

I take a drink and after he takes them his breathing get's heavy and he starts to have a seizure, "Pete, are you okay? What's happening? Are you okay? Georgina, Georgina, Georgina." She walks in, "what? Why are you screaming?" I pick up the phone to call for help, "what are you doing." I look away from Pete to her, "calling 911." She takes the phone out of my hand, "you can't. There's drugs everywhere. We'll get in so much trouble, we can get arrested. We have to go." I shake my head, "no, we can't leave him." She grabs my arms, "we have to. Get everything that had you on it, go."

I get all my stuff then look for Pete's phone, "where's his phone? where's is his phone?" I find it and dial 911, "hi, we have an emergency. Can you send someone right away to East View Hotel, Room 1411 please? There's a guy he's having a seizures. I don't know what's wrong." She takes the phone off me, "we have to go."

Present day:

"Georgina told me we had to split up. She said people might be looking for us. But I couldn't go. I just couldn't. So I waited near the hotel across the street. All I wanted was to see the paramedics helping Pete. But's not what I saw. I didn't know what to do. So I left for the first week of summer. I convinced my mom and dad to let me come with them to Boston then move in with Roxy. I let it all die down, I just wanted to get away." Roxy nods, "that's why you didn't call as soon as my mom left, I makes sense now." Blair nods and Nate looks at me, "but what does she even want from you?"

I looked at Roxy then to everyone else, "well, when she came back, I told her that I'd moved on... from the lifestyle she was still in, but she didn't like that. So somehow she became friends with Dan and Vanessa... and called herself Sarah." Serena looks shocked, "wait Sarah's Georgina." I nod and Blair shakes her head, "why don't you just tell Dan about her?"

I'm about to cry again, "because she has that tape of me, and she'll use it. It's practically a snuff film." Chuck leans forward, "we need to find her." Roxy nods, "yep, I need to hurt a bitch." I shake my head looking at the two, "no please.  Promise me, please. Promise me you won't do anything. Because if you do, then she'll show Dan and then Scott. They will never speak to me again. Oh, God what have I done?"

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