Part 35 ✔️

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Me and Charlie were just laying at the beach relaxing, "so Charles, what's the plan for when we get to the City." He scoffs and then says, "well Roxanne the first thing I need to do is find a place to stay, until my new dorm is ready." I sit up and grab a coke from the beach bag, "easy you can stay with me, you can stay in my room or the guest room, until your dorm is set up." He gets up and sits behind me hugging me and whispers in my ear, "I don't think it would be fair to everyone else if we shared a bed every night. I wouldn't be able to help myself." I turn around and kiss him, "then I guess you should stay in the guest room." He nods and gets up offering his hand, "let's get you some waffles." I take his hand, "you know the way to my heart."

We get to this small café and I take my seat (outfit above), "can I please have some waffles with golden syrup and an iced coffee." The waiter nods, "and what can I get you sir." He look up from the menu that was on the table, "I will have the pancakes and an orange juice." He nods, "that will be right out." When the food comes Charlie takes my hand, "why don't you come back in my limo back to the city, it's less crowded then the jitney don't you think." I smirk, "I guess it is."

My phone starts to ring and I stand up, "I have to take this. I'll be back." He nods, "yeah sure. I'll be waiting." I walk outside and answer, "what can I do for you, G?" She sighs, "I lied. I hate that everyone but me has someone. You and Blair have Lords and Serena has Dan. I want my prince charming." I laugh, "you will get it G, what about Dan don't he and Serena break up when school starts. You said you wanted to shoot your shot." There's a pause on the other side before she says, "you're right, I mean I just have to wait a little longer and hope to God the break up will stick because of me." I nod, "right, if all else fails Nate is always free at the end. I gotta go, I'm eating breakfast with Charlie. Bye G." "bye R, I'm just at the train station see you later."

I walk back in to see Chuck about to eat my waffles, "Bass if you don't put that waffle down I will stab you with a fork." He laughs and Charlie looks up to me, "he said you'd be fine with it, love. That you let him normally eat your food." I scoff, "and you believed him. Even when I liked him, he did not touch my food. Up Bass." He smirks and gets up, "sorry if I interrupted and I only had a little bit of your waffle. We were just planning on playing squash for when we get back." Charlie nods, "yes, I believe Marcus and Dean will be joining us." I put on a fake smile, "I am sure it will be fun, now leave Bass." He gets up and bows, "of course your royal highness." He leaves and we go back to eating and making plans for when we get to the city.

Gabi's pov:

I step on the train and sit down (outfit above), after awhile I hear someone sit next to me, "hey, it's Gabi right?" I turn form the window and see a guy around my age, "oh, yeah. I'm sorry do I know you?" He shakes his head, "no sorry. My names Ben, I saw you at the white party and thought you were cute. I asked around and found out your name, I know I sound like a total freak." I laugh, "no, it's fine really. Why didn't you come up to me." He shrugs, "you were always around people my parents know, so I didn't feel like being quizzed." I nod, "I feel you, I was roped into almost all of the conversations I had that night."

He nods, "that happened last time to me. This time I just stuck to the shadows. Hey, I mean this might sound kind of forward but can I have your number." I nod, "how about you give me yours." He nods and hands me his phone and when I add him give him his phone back and text him, "great, thanks. I should get back to my little sister, I'll see you in the city." Maybe I could find my prince charming yet, even if he turns out to just be a frog what's the harm in trying. 

A/N: Hey guys, so I hope you liked this part, it was kind of a filler part and the next one will be more interesting I promise you.

Xoxo Maddie

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