Part 14 ✔️

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After the ball me and Ethan started to see each other. Rumour has it Chuck left town and is off somewhere doing God knows what. Ethan and his family went to Monaco to spend the holidays with his grandparents. Today me and Gabi are at school at the Constance Billiard and St Jude's Bazaar. We were looking around laughing at all things for sale. I spot Bart and Lily and we walk over, "Mr Bass, Lily Happy holidays." I hug Lily and send a smile to Bart, "Happy holidays girls." I turn to Bart, "I didn't think you still be here. I thought you would be--" He finishes me sentence, "with Charles, no. Sadly, I'm stuck here on business.... while he suns himself at my hotel in Monaco." I smile, "well I was wondering why he was so quiet and that answers my question." They smile and we excuse ourselves. 

We are walking through the school and I turn to Gabi, "Gabi, Ethan is in Monaco." She sighs, "he won't say anything. I thought you and Ethan were just a fling anyway." I hit her on the shoulder, "no we're not. He's actually really nice to me, I don't want to have to wait around for Bass to turn good. I want to be happy and loved, Ethan makes me both." She nods, "as long as your sure." I nod, "I am." We continue to look around and I text Chuck, 'Monaco huh? Anything I should know?' I knew when Ethan said Monaco I had forgotten something.

Me and Gabi got back home and we were laughing about some of the things that were being sold. The elevator doors opened and there stood Scott with gifts in hand, "I'll leave the two of you." I send Gabi a wink and she rolls her eyes at. I walk upstairs as I enter my room I get a text from Chuck, 'Just tell me this. How did you fake feelings for Mr dull over here.' I scoff and put my phone down, I mean he's not wrong, maybe Ethan isn't as adventurous as Chuck but at least I can trust him. I pick my phone up and try to call Chuck and it goes to voicemail, "Chuck don't you dare talk to Ethan I mean it. Me and you are over and Ethan never knew we were a thing in the first place. So please I beg you, don't tell him. Or anyone for that matter."

It's now Christmas eve and me and Gabi our doing our holiday tradition from back home. Right now the two of us are shopping for last minute Christmas gifts, ok so this is less of a tradition we just forget every year and leave until last minute. I turn to Gabi, "ok, who are this year victims of this shopping trip." She looks at the list, "we have, Jenny, my mom and dad, Ethan, Dan, and Scott." I nod, "for Jenny I will give her something form my new line, we can get your mom a spa day and your dad cufflinks, we can get Dan an old looking book and how have you not got anything for Scott?" She sighs, "I can't find the perfect thing. He gave me mine early and it was perfect. He got me a CD of the night I preformed at the underground club, and he got me this neckless." She shows me the heart neckless and she's right it is cute.  

She turns to me, "and how have you not found the perfect gift for Ethan yet. You are so good at this stuff." I sigh, "I feel guilty. He asked me if anything had happened with me and Chuck and I said the last time anything happened was years ago. Also he gave me mine before he left. I think it might be a gift card. I don't want him to feel bad." She sighs, "fine get him a gift card for a cool looking clothes shop." I nod, "your right now lets shop." We got everyones gifts, Gabi ended up getting Scott an engraved guitar pick with his initials on it, let me tell you it wasn't cheap thank God we are rich here.

I went to Elanor's Christmas party with my dad, because Gabi had to leave to give Scott his present. I walk in and Elanor kisses are cheeks, "welcome, welcome." I give her a smile, "I hear congratulations are in order, you got the Victoria Secret. I am so happy for you." She sends me a smile, "why thank you Roxy. I think Serena is upstairs if you want to find her." I nod, "I think I will go up, good to see you Elanor."

I walk upstairs to see Serena, Eric and Vanessa working on Dan's present. I sit on Blair's bed and grab a pair of scissors, "what do you need me to do." Serena hands me some paper, "make snowflakes." I nod, "done and done." I start to help and lean on Eric, "my hands ache so much, please help me lord." He laughs, "give me some of your paper." I smile and sit up, "why thank you kind sir." I hand him half my paper and get back to work.

I hear heels walk in the room and look up to see Blair, "Dorota's gonna kill you if you get glue on that comforter." Eric and me laugh and Serena looks up at her, "sorry we've turned your room into an art studio B, but the clock is ticking." Vanessa looks at her screen, "I'm done." We all look at her screen and see an animation of trees and snow falling, "wow, that's amazing. Thank you so much Vanessa. This is gonna be incredible." Vanessa nods, "good I'm glad I could help. I think he'll really love it." My phone goes off and I see it's my dad, "I gotta go. Good luck with it all." Serena gives me a hug, "thanks for this R, you have been a life saver." I send them a wave and walk out of the room.

I get home and go straight to Gabi's room, "how did he like the gift." She smiles, "he loved it." I smile and then see she has hot coco, "hot coco. You remembered." She smiles, "of course I did. They also have marshmallows in them." I take the mug and we get in her bed and watch the Grinch, "how would have thought that, that was little Jenny Humphrey."

We wake up the next morning in Gabi's room, "Gabi, wake up. It's Christmas." She smiles, "then what are we waiting for." We run downstairs and when we are we look out of the window. It's snowing. I see my dad and Maisie sitting by the tree waiting for us. We sit by the tree and my dad hands me a gift, "it's from your mother." I sigh and open it, "it's a candle." My dad smiles, "well isn't that nice. Here's my gift." I smile and open the gift and see a new vintage looking black coat, "oh daddy, I love it." Maisie picks up a gift, "Miss Gabi this is from you mom and dad." She opens it and sees a music box, "it's beautiful." I give her a gift, "from your bestie." She takes it and opens it, "oh R it's wonderful." It's necklace that has a G on it, "R, I guess great minds think alike." I open it to see the same necklace but with a R on it, "it's wonderful." After that we gave Maisie her present we got her a phone, "so we can text, do you like it." She tears up, "I love Miss Roxy, and Miss Gabi." (necklaces above.)

After opening gifts my phone went off and I see it's Chuck, 'who would I tell R.' Then he sends me a picture of him and Ethan. That little devil.       

A/N: Hey guys I know two updates in one day I spoil you too much. Look I was just wondering what couples you want to be endgame. Do you want Gabi to end up with Scott or someone else. Do you want Roxy to end up with Ethan or Chuck. Please let me know so I know what to write in the future parts I am now writing.

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