Part 6 ✔️

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It's a new day and I would like to think I am on good terms with everyone. I hear my phone ring, who is calling me this early on a Saturday. "hello?" I sit up in bed, "hi Miss Robinson, it's Joshua. You know when I said I had everything under control in the LA office." I sigh, "yes I do, because I need you to have everything under control or my new line will never be out without the help of my LA busy bees." He clears his throat, "the thing is we can't start because the new fabrics never came in yesterday." My eyes widen, "I am coming down there. What's the time right now." I hear a pause, "it's 7am." I sigh, "I will be there around 12. Make sure everyone is in."

I pack a weekend bag and get dressed. I walk into Gabi's room and see she's still asleep. I wright her a note and stick it on her head. (outfit above.) I call James and he brings the car around. We drive to the airport and I reach to where they keep my private jet. James opens the door for me, "thank you James, make sure you and Maisie take good care of Gabi." He nods, "of course Miss Roxy." I give him a hug, "I will be home in no time at all."

I walk into the jet and my phone goes off, 'spotted, Roxy Robinson getting in her private jet. Why is she flying away, and where is her bestie G.' I roll my eyes and on the flight my phone starts to ring, "hey G what's wrong?" She laughs, "what's wrong? Why the hell are you going to LA." I sigh, "Joshua called, the new fabrics haven't come yet. Look just have fun join S and B shopping, you'll get to see Dan." She sighs, "fine you win. I'll keep you posted."

I decide to take a nap on the plane. I wake up just as we land, "Miss, we're here." I stand up, "thank you." I leave my private jet and I am greeted by a limo, "Miss Roxy? Would you like me to take you to a hotel?" I shake my head, "no need. Take me straight to my office please." He opens the door for me and starts to drive.

On the way there I go on my phone and call my mother, "Mom? Hey look I'm in LA for business, so I was wondering if I could stay in a guess room, I promise I won't be a trouble." I hear a sigh on the other line, "sweetie I would love to but the house is full. Me and Fred are hosting a house warming this weekend. I would invite you but well there is just no room." I roll my eyes at my mother's lies, "I understand mother, maybe we could meet up for lunch during me stay." I just really want to see her in person instead of just in the memories I was given, "sure I will try and fit you in. Oh sweetie I have to go."

It's just like my dad from my world, the new relationship always comes first. The car pulls up at my office, "can you please drop my bags off at the four seasons." The driver gives me a nod and I walk into the office. As soon as I enter I am greeted by Joshua, "Roxy thank God you are here. The fabrics are still a no show. All we have is scraps of fabric from the last order." I sigh, "I'll be in my office you keep them all calm. I chose you to lead them for a reason Joshua." He nods and I walk to my office. I sit in my chair and call about the fabric.

Gabi's pov:

I have just gotten off the phone with Roxy and I am eating my waffles in my PJs lonely. I hear the elevator doors open but I don't look up. "Miss Gabi, Miss Blair and Miss Serena are here. They heard Miss Roxy was out of town and thought you would be lonely." I smile, "send them in Maisie." She nods and a moment later the girls walked up to me.

Blair frowns, "G I love you but how are you not dressed yet this is a disgrace." I laugh, "I have nowhere to go so why would I get dressed." Serena smiles, "well then why don't you go shopping with me and B. It will be fun I promise." I sigh, "fine let me get dressed and we can go." I walk upstairs and sort through my clothes and find an outfit. (outfit above.)

All three of us were laughing as we walk down the street with bags in hand. We then walk past these older business men and Blair rolls her eyes, "oh, God, I forgot what it was like to be out with you S." Serena shakes her head, "no, they were looking at all of us." I shake my head right back, "don't insult us." Blair nods, "yeah. It's been like this all morning. Starting with your lovely visit whit my mother. She didn't even call me to tell me she was coming."

Serena turns to Blair, "well, she was busy. She was rushing to get home and everything. She wanted to see you." I interrupt, "hey guys I saw I really cute top back there, and I promised I would get R something. I'll catch up." They nod and I walk into a clothing store.

I look through all of the clothes and ring Roxy, "hey Roxs. I'm shopping with Blair and Serena! I still can't believe it." She laughs, "are they with you, because if they heard you they would think you were crazy." I laugh back, "no I ditched them and came in a store to call you. I have dreamed of this moment, a girls day with the girls. All it's missing is you R." She sighs, "I'm sorry, I wish the me from here wasn't so busy but-- hold on. Look G I have to go but talk to you later. Joshua I swear to God put that glue gun down!" I laugh as the line goes dead, that's my girl.

I walk back and catch up with Blair, "where's the top." I shrug, "they didn't have it in her size. I'll fine something else." She nods and we link arms and she starts to whine not seeing Dan, "that was disgusting. The DOH should shut them down." I roll my eyes, "the bathroom?" She shakes her head, "no, the people. It's called Nolita, not No Showers. What are you doing here? Do I smell pork? And cheese? Ok, well, when you're done with your charity work, why don't you come find me and G? We'll be at Tory Burch looking at ponchos." We link arms and I wave bye to Dan sending him a smile.

We went to lunch and Serena turned to me, "hey, G, how are you after the Dean break up." I shrug, "I'm good. The spark just kind of sizzled out." Blair laughs, "come on G. You never told us what happened, not even R." I sigh, "you know he's dating that Sydney girl now? Well on our two year anniversary I went to his house and set up a romantic dinner, to try and get things on the right tract with our relationship. It was surprise, so he had no clue I was coming. He walked in on me setting up and he was cheating on me with Sydney. Please don't tell Roxy, she'll kill him." They bring me into a hug, "of course we won't say a thing G."

They went back to Blair's but I instead went home. I knew what was going to happen so I didn't see the point in going. I ring Roxy, "hey R when will you be back I miss you." She laughs, "I can hear the pout through the phone. Hey I was thinking why don't you fly in, we could crash my mom's house warming." I smirk, "I'll start packing."

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