Part 18 ✔️

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I wake up on the couch to the smell of waffles and whispering. I keep my eyes shut and listen and here Rufus say, "that poor girl. Where are her parents." I hear a sigh, "Boston I think that's why she moved in with Roxy. Then they fell out because she told me something and broke a promise. Something they never normally do I guess." I hear a door open, "morning!" and then a load of hushes then I hear Jenny again whisper, "what is she doing here?" I hear a stall move and then Dan say, "Roxy kicked out I think you know what for." She gasps, "this is all my fault."

Then I hear foot steps and feel someone tap me on the shoulder, "Gabi, wake up you have to get ready." I groan, "piss off Dan I need sleep." I hear him laugh, "my dad made waffles." I shoot up, "where are the waffles." I see Jenny and Rufus laugh and then Rufus say, "right here, get dressed then you can have some." I nod and grab my bag going to the toilet. (outfits above.)

When we get to school I mange to avoid Roxy. Then at lunch I see her alone and people laughing at her. I walk up to them, "hey what are you looking at. At least she can get a boy to look at her. More then I can say about you two. Have you ever even had a boyfriend?" They soon run away and Roxy turns to me, "you didn't have to do that." I nod, "I did. No matter how much I hate you right now, only I get to make fun of you." She stands up, "come home. I was wrong and mad." I sigh, "I need time apart Roxy. I'm sorry." With that I go to my next lesson.

Roxy's pov:

It's now night time and I find Chuck at a Chinese restaurant and bar. I walk up to the bar and sit next to him, "you win Bass. My life is over, I have no one and I bet I don't even have you anymore. I was a play thing and you won, you get to live your life and I lose mine. Even Gabi hates me so much she is sleeping on Dan's couch." He looks up at me, "you think I wanted this. Nate no longer respects me and thinks I'm as bad a Dean. You were right when you came back you told me that the games would hurt us. You do no longer have me. We are both alone, and destined to be alone forever." I grab my bag and stand up, "goodbye Chuck Bass." I give him a kiss on the cheek and leave.

I get home with tears in my eyes and see my dad working and he looks at me, "you okay." I nod, "I'd be much better... if I could do a semester going to a school in London." He looks at me, "a whole semester. Well, I already talked to my sister about a visit and she was thrilled." "so can I go?" He looks at me in shock, "now?" I kneel in front of him, "Dad, please try?" He looks down at me, "Roxy I am very concerned for you." I start to cry, "so book a flight." He takes my hand and we stand up, "we'll get you out tomorrow pumpkin." I hug him and start to cry, "thank you."

It's the next day at night and I am about to get on my plane when a cab pulls up, and Gabi walks out, "Roxy please don't go. Your dad said you were going to London tonight. I need you." I sigh, "he has a big mouth." She takes my hands, "I talked to S and she's gone to stop Blair from going to Paris. We all need to stand together when it comes down to it. I came home with bags in hands only for you dad to tell me." I shake my head, "what if I brake down again and I try to--" She cuts me off, "you won't because we'll all be there right with you." I look at her, "promise?" She holds out her pinkie, "always and forever." I link my mine with hers, "wrong show but, always and forever." I turn to the guys carrying my bags, "stop guys, I'm going home. "

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