Part 25 ✔️

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I wake up to Roxy shaking me, "Gabi, you will not believe who just turned up." I sit up, "who?" She smiles, "your parents, my dad said they could stay here. They came for the wedding and business." I sigh, "and I'm guessing seeing me wasn't include." Roxy sighs, "I'm sure you will see them. Hey you never did tell me what happened with the SATs and Serena was there. That red head said your name." I shrug, "I went out with some people Scott introduced to me in Boston. I get drunk off my face and Chuck helped me to get in your good books, did it work?" She lays down, "maybe if he keeps it up."

After that we get ready and start to walk to school. Roxy turns to me, "I have to go, I promised B I would be at the steps with her. You for the show down." I laugh, "you have fun with that and please try not to kill her. Me and Dan just made up." She nods, "yes I know. See you later G." She gives me hug and then leaves me. Once she's gone Chuck calls me, "salute, Chuck. Yes, I'm still fine. I haven't heard form Georgina in two weeks. So if you'd stop calling me I'd be rid of all my demons. Bye."

I walk into school and look at me phone to see a text from my dad's assistant. They want to have a family dinner to plan my future in the company, and that is not happening. Well that's what I plan on telling them anyway. Dan runs up to me, "hey Gabi, I asked Serena and she can't come so maybe you can. You know me new friend Sarah? Well she wants to meet you tonight." I shake my head, "Sarah again? Are you replacing me Danny boy." He laughs, "never. So can you come." I sigh, "I'm sorry I have to have dinner with my parents. They came all the way from Boston for the wedding, and they want to have dinner. I'll see if I can tomorrow. Look I have to go but I'll talk to you later." 

I was sitting at a table in the courtyard when my phone rings, "Miss Richard? It's Luke from the concierge desk. You asked us to call before delivering anything upstairs. We have a package from a Miss Georgina Sparks. Hello? Did I loose you?" I clear my throat, "no, just keep it there. I'll pick it up after school. Don't let it out of your sight." "of course." I turn to see Dan, "what was that about?" I wave it off, "nothing, it's just this-- nothing. I'll see you later, okay? Bye." On my way out I past B and R, "hey B, hey R."

I pick up the envelope and bring it into my room. In it was a memory stick and a note, 'Gabs- Memories can Fade. A video is forever. -G' I sigh knowing was on the memory stick. It had a label on it that said watch me and a lipstick mark on it. I don't even bother watching the video and find a place to hide it. I walk over to my dresser and tape it to the top of one the draws. No one can find that tape.

I walk downstairs and see my mom and dad already sitting down. That means Georgina went round Serena's. "darling, please go get dressed we are waiting on you." I sigh, "yes mom will be down and ready soon." I go upstairs and get ready and then walk back down. (outfit above.) I walk down and take a seat.

"so darling me and your father have been talking and whilst you stay here me and your father will get a hotel room for tonight." I nod, "okay, I'm good with that." My dad smiles, "now let's talk about collage you are going to study business at Harvard or Yale. Right?" I sigh, "actually, I was going to study journalism at Harvard." My mom sighs, "look sweetie we want to support you, but this is the right path for you." I get a text and from Serena telling me what Georgie did and how she said to tell me hi on her way out. I huff, "I have to go. Sorry."

I leave with them trying to call me back. At least they now know what it feels like. I get a cab to take me to Brooklyn. I walk up to the coffee shop Vanessa works at and walk over to the table Dan is at, "thank God you're here. I'm so happy to see you. I have had the worst night ever." I lean on his shoulder with a pout, "hey, I'm happy to see you too. You can meet Sarah." I sit up, "I would love to meet my replacement, but what part of worst night ever is not sinking in Danny boy." He looks behind me, "well, she's here, so, Sarah, Gabi. Gabi, Sarah." I turn and see Georgina and fake a shocked face as she smiles saying, "hi, I'm Sarah. It is so nice to finally meet you. Wow, I mean.. Dan told me you were pretty but he didn't do you justice."

I turn to Dan, "Dan, can we talk in private please?" 'Sarah' jumps in, "hey, no, no, no. Wait. Don't go. Vanessa was about to show me one of her movies. I'm a filmmaker too, of sorts. Actually, I brought one of my short films. I was hoping to get your opinion. Maybe you wanna see it too? Tell me what you think?" I would tell you what I'm thinking but I think I would go to jail. Vanessa nods, "I'll go get my laptop." I turn to Dan, "Danny boy, me need coffee. Please." He nods, "on it."

I grab Georgina's hand, "what the hell are you doing, Georgina? Put that away." She drops the act, "ahh, come on, I'm just having a little fun. Like old times. You and me pretending to be different people. Svetlana and Savannah." I give her a glare, "this is not a game. I don't know how you filmed that, but I'm not playing with you." She shakes her head, "it's just a friendly game." I shake my head back, "but we're not friends." She smirks, "oh, I think we are. You see, because with me as your enemy, Dan sees this and next Scott I think it was. And if the heavy petting doesn't send them running... well I'll bet what happened after will."

Then the two come back and Dan looks at us, "hey, what' we miss?" I put on a smile, "nothing. Its like Sarah and I have known each other for years. We don't need the laptop. Thanks." 'Sarah' nods, "no, I got a little shy about showing it. Maybe next time?" Vanessa nods, "okay." We spend the time hanging out and I just drank coffee listening to them all laugh and I fake a smile.

Me and Dan are now talking as the others to wait, "so? She's great, right? What do you think?" I shake my head, "no, there's something about her I don't like." He nods, "come on, you welcomed Vanessa with open arms." I sigh, "this is different." He shakes his head, "I don't understand why you're--" I cut him of, "why I'm what Dan?" He looks up, "jealous. There no reason to be. She actually wanted us to be friends again after the fight." I scoff, "you told her about our problems. Unbelievable." He gives me a really look, "really? You've been hanging out with Chuck and You've been partying and avoiding me... and lying and your saying I'm unbelievable. You know we all live in Brooklyn. I think you should get a cab here." Unlike Serena did I roll my eyes, "fine trust the fake bitch over me I'm going home."

I get in a cab and it stops, in tears I go up to the penthouse. I walk in with tears in my eyes, and Blair walks up to me, "Blair?" She looks confused, "Gabi, what are you doing here? It's late. Oh, my God. What happened? What's wrong? Talk to me." I burst out crying, "I can't. I came here so I wouldn't have to tell Roxy. I can't tell her or anyone." She makes me look at her, "you can tell me anything G." I shake my head, "no. No, B, this is the one thing I can't tell you. I can't tell anybody." She shakes her head, "I'm not anyone, I'm me. You can tell me anything." I shake my head sitting on the steps, "no I can't, because then, that's make you a part of it. And you can't be a part of this." She sits next to me, "what are you talking about? You're starting to scare me. Hey, hey, hey. Me, you, S, and R, we're sisters. You're my family. What is you is me. There's nothing you could ever say to make me let go. I love you. What is it?" I take a deep breath, "I killed someone."

When she goes to get me water I make a run for it going to the first club I see needing to get drunk.

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