Part 15 ✔️

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Me and Gabi were at the pool party having time of our lives. Me and Gabi were in the pool laughing with Blair and drinking martinis. Nate then coms behind Blair and asks why she's been ignoring him, out of the corner of my eye I see Dean looking at them when they kiss. Looks like someone's jealous. I feel someone's hands go around me and I see Ethan, "hey beautiful, why have you been ignoring since Christmas?" I shake my head, "I don't know what you mean, I haven't been ignoring you." I turn around and he kisses my neck, "do you remember the night of the ball." I nod, "yes, I do." He turns me around, "what are you doing?" He leans in and kisses me, "that." I pull away after awhile, "heh. Good catching up."

I see Blair yelling at Dean for the same thing I am about to yell at Chuck for, "enough with the blackmail. Aren't you bored already, Bass? I can't avoid Ethan forever." He takes off his sunglasses, "I didn't say forever. Just until the sight of you together doesn't turn my stomach." I give him a fake smile, "and when will that be Bass." He shrugs, "only time will tell. So unless you want dear Ethan to know... that you have been with me in that way recently in the back of my limo... I encourage patience and restraint." I huff, "Isn't there someone else you can torture?" He gets off the lifeguard chair, "probably, but I chose you."    

I walk over to Blair, "let me guess, Dean is blackmailing you." She turns to me with a shocked face, "how did you know that R?" I sigh, "Chuck is doing the same to me. I told Ethan that nothing have happened with Chuck recently, now Chuck is holding it over my head. Ethan knows I've been ignoring him and I don't know how long I can keep this up." She sighs, "same, oh well we have to try." I nod, "yep we do."

All of a sudden there's this big splash and I see a guy in the pool with blood coming out of his head. Nate jumps in and brings him out of the water. We all surround the guy I forgot the name of I turn to Gabi, "how could we have forgotten this." She sighs, "I don't know." We see Serena call 911. We hear the sirens and we make a run for it.

We are now in an assembly and the man up front is showing us the photos from the phone, "thanks to the cell phone somebody left behind... we've got plenty of evidence of who was at the party. Lucky for you, Andrew Collins is going to be fine. Unlucky for you, we need to hold someone responsible. Ms. Queller?"

A lady walks up to the front, "hello. I'm Ms. Queller, the new headmistress at Constance. It's unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances. But I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I've already talked to your parents, at least those I could reach... and look forward to reading your personal essays. 10,000 words describing how you came to be on school property after hours... using alcohol and drugs... where a fellow student almost died. In other words what the hell is wrong with you? I'll also be conducting one-on-one interviews... until I discover who broke into the pool and initiated the party. That person will be expelled. If that person is not identified... then you'll all face expulsion." We all look at each other and don't say a word.

A group of us stand on the steps on the school and I look at them all, "so we all know how this works." Chuck nods, "if no one talks, no one gets into trouble." Nate turns to us, "who did break in anyway." Dean laughs, "I guess we don't have to worry about Nate cracking under pressure." I look at them all, "so are we all agreed?" Serena looks around at everyone, "agreed." Dan jumps in, "Roxy, I know your dad went to Yale, but is this Skull and Bones stuff... is a bit much don't you think?" I shrug, "maybe. But it works. Every time. Now tone down the judgement will you Brooklyn." We all walk away and me and Gabi walk to class.

Me and Gabi were drinking and laughing with some of Bair's minions I can't be bothered to learn the names of. I see Blair snatch the key to the pool from Dean and then walk upstairs. I'm about to follow when someone grabs my arm, I turn around to see Chuck. "let go of me Chuck, I mean it." He laughs, "let go of your Ethan obsession." I send him a sarcastic smile, "you know I have." He shakes his head, "no if that was true you wouldn't have kissed him at the pool party." I yank my arm away from him, "go ahead tell him, he won't believe you." I storm away. When Blair comes down I see Vanessa filming Blair and Dean. I'm happy that didn't happen to me and Chuck that would be too much drama.

I see Gabi looking at her phone with a smile, "who are you sexting G?" She rolls her eyes, "no one. I invited Scott to come and stay in New York with me for a week. He just told me he got the time off school, don't worry R he will stay in a hotel." I smirk, "and you will stay with him. Even if you don't mean to." She laugh, "oh shut it you. How are you handling it with Chuck?" I shrug, "I'm all good. Also I told Serena about it, because she was the only who didn't know." She smiles, "good. I was thinking all four of us should have girls day after all this is over." I nod, "that sounds great, and your dream can come true." She smiles, "I know. I feel like they're just normal people now and not TV characters." I nod, "I know, half of the time I forget that I'm in a TV show to begin with."

We were called in for yet another assembly, "yesterday, I talked about serious consequences for your actions, and obviously, you didn't believe me. But someone came forward today and claimed responsibility." Serena looks at all of us, "do you know who?" We shake our head even though me and Gabi do. The Ms. Queller continues, "for a crime he did not commit.  and although I appreciate his self-sacrifice... I don't abide dishonesty. And I think it's time you all know how serious I am. Nathaniel Archibald is suspended from St. Jude's. And yes, this will go on his transcript. Effective immediately. Mr. Archibald, you know where to find the exit. Watch him go, students. Who wants to be next? Until one of you comes forward, we'll keep doing... until every last one of you has walked out that door."

I get called to the headmistresses office after class and I am now siting in front of her, "Miss Robinson, you are something of a perfect student. Much like Miss Waldorf , and you run a business. This seems very out of character for you." I shrug, "I know, I just needed to blow off some steam so when I heard about the party I dragged Gabi with me. I very much regret being there in the first place." She nods, "do you know the actual person responsible." I shake my head, "no, someone posted a picture of the party and had the location tagged." She sighs, "you are free to go Miss Robinson for now."

Serena soon confessed it was her who had the key. Just like in show she didn't get expelled and was becoming Chuck's step-sister. I always felt bad for Lily, she gave up on true love for her daughter's happiness and Dan and Serena soon break up and date different people after this season.

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