Part 22 ✔️

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Roxy's pov:

While I've been stressing about the SATs Gabi has been stressing about other things I just don't know what. I mean it's not like she was in that hotel room that was Serena. Anyways my dad has been really hard on me to study. He says he just wants me to go to the collage of my choice. I know that's a lie and he wants me to go to Yale. Also I have just put out my new winter line and so far from what I can tell everyone loves it. So now I have the board on my back for new and fresh ideas. I might die from stress

Gabi's pov:

No I haven't told Roxy it was me in the hotel room. Yes Serena was meant to come too but she was too upset. Serena doesn't know that I was meant to be there, it was meant to be a surprise I guess. All I know is it was the worst night of my life. I didn't need to study too much because I would like to think I'm ready for it. Chuck still hasn't told me what he found so I have been a paranoid mess if I do say so.

Me and Roxy were now sat at a table in the court yard studying. Roxy sighs, "I'm gonna fail and then I won't get into a collage. I also have no clue what new designs to hand over. It's like me from here was super women and now I am dying trying to keep up with her, I mean myself. Oh you know what I mean." I laugh, "don't you have hundreds of ideas in your sketch book that's not in the world yet. Just use them." She nods, "you are so right. I could kiss you." I laugh, "I'm sure you could."

Then Chuck starts to walk towards us and she sees him, "ew, okay I'm going. You coming." I shake my head, "no you go I said I would meet someone for Maths class to help them." She laughs, "you young lady are too nice." She walks away giving Chuck a glare as she leaves.

Chuck sits down, "she really needs to tone down the social niceties. It's embarrassing." I shake my head, "eventually the two of you have to work out your issues." He looks at me as I carry on studying, "what issues? I'm issue-free. And based on my research so are you." I look at him, "Georgina?" He nods, "according to my very reliable sources... Georgina Sparks is nowhere near our fair isle. She's in Switzerland dating the prince of Belfort."

I start to smile, "there's a prince of Belfort? And she's dating him? Thank God." He nods, "now, you can enjoy the gifts she mailed you with a peace of mind... and maybe Chuck in the room." I scoff, "oh, shoot, except you're a pig." I push his face away, "well according to you, Georgina always brought out the devil in you. A part of me is disappointed she's not here." I hum, "I wonder which part. Look Chuck I have to study now leave." He shrugs, "I know a lovely little redhead that's been dying to be you for the day." I give him a fake smile, "I'll leave the cheating to you Chuck. I plan on taking the SATs myself."

At lunch I get a text and go to the front of school to see Scott. I walk up to him, "what are you doing here?" He shrugs, "my mom needed to come here for some reason and I wanted to see you." I smile, "oh yeah?" He smirks, "yeah." He leans in and kisses me but I pull away, "you should go, the school has this rule about outsiders." He laughs, "oh? Am I not rich enough." I laugh along with him and kiss him again, "find me before you go yeah?" He nods and walks away giving me another kiss before he does.

As I walk into the school I see Georgina, "you always did know how to leave them wanting more." My eyes widen as I fake shock, "oh, my God, Georgina. What are you doing here?" She gives me a big smile, "I told you I was coming. Didn't you get my gifts." I give her a confused look, "you're supposed to be in Switzerland dating a prince." She bats her eyelashes, "luckily, Daddy didn't need the G5. Haven't you missed me?" I give her a small smile, "how could I not?" She nods, "okay. You don't want to throw me a homecoming party, I get it. But let's have a cocktail, catch up. Gabs, you're really going to hurt my feelings. And you know how I get when my feelings are hurt. Great, I'll see you tonight. I have to go say hi to Serena. So weird seeing you. It's almost like I never left."

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