Part 19 ✔️

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It was now spring break and I was sat in a room with my therapist and my dad, "look I don't get why an earth I'm even here, I mean I've been taking my medication." My dad sighs, "yes, but pumpkin that night you just seemed like it was happening all over again." I roll my eyes, "well I did what anyone would do if they went though what I did that week." My therapist Dr Wilson looks up from her notes, "and what exactly happened that week?"

I roll my eyes, "I mean the better question is what didn't happen." My dad sighs, "just tell the lady Roxy." I cross my arms, "nope. Not with you here." He gets up, "fine I will wait in the car." I give him a fake smile and he leaves. Dr Wilson turns back to me, "so tell me what happened." I lean back in the chair and tell what happened that week. She looks at me in shock, "that is a lot. So what do you plan to do over spring break?" I shrug, "I have no clue. I didn't make plans and Gabi is spending it with Scott, they are meeting and the coffee shop they first met. He is totally gonna ask her to be his girlfriend." She laughs, "what about you, any new romances." I laugh, "did you not listen to what I told you."

She shakes her head at, "what about this Chuck Bass, from what you told me it sounds like you are in love with each other." I laugh, "God you sound like Gabi. She says we're her OTP. I keep trying to tell her that, that ship will never set sail again." She smirks, "but from what you told me, you said this once before." I groan, "and this time I'm sticking to it. Now if you will excuse me I have to mourn me old life with Blair." I get up and leave swaying my hips. I hear her laugh as I leave and this makes me smirk.

Gabi's pov:

I have just arrived in Boston and I see Scott and the bus stop with flowers in hand, "well, well, what do we have here?" He smiles, "these are for you." I take the flowers, "they are beautiful." He holds out his arm, "shall we?" I smile, "we shall, good sir." We walk into the coffee shop and he gets the coffee and I get us a corner table. He set the coffee down and I take a sip, "I swear this is the best coffee in the world."

He laughs, "you are such a coffee head." I gasp, "me never." He laughs, "look I wanted to ask you something. I know your loaded and probably have loads of suiters, but I want to shoot my shot. Will you be my girlfriend." My face breaks into a smile, "only if you can make good coffee." He nods, "I make even better coffee then this." I smile, "then I will be you girlfriend, boyfriend." He laughs, "then shall we get going, your friends at the underground are waiting." I smirk, "why didn't you say so let's go."

We get a cub and we then walk down the cellar steps. Scott guides me to the stage as we say to everyone we past. Then the stage guy goes up on the stage, "Looks like Gabi is back with another banger guys. She says she's here all spring break so let's make the most of it!" They all cheer as I start to sing. (song and Gabi's outfit above.)

After that me and Scott just dance the night away and I dragged him into a corner, "so are you gonna kiss me or what Scotty boy." He smirks and leans in and when his lips touch mine it felt like we were the only ones in the room, I know it sounds cliché but it's true. His tongue asks for entrance and I grant it. Let's just say it was the best night of my life.

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