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I turned to face him he looked like a child in a sweet shop. I was speechless and it was the first time in a long time I seen the girls speechless. I heard the girls mutter behind me but I was froze on the spot. I must have looked like a tomato. My cheeks were burning and my heart was racing. Owen slowly walked towards me and I couldnt even bare to look at him. He lifted me up, my legs wrapped naturally round his body. His lips crashed on to mine and suddenly nothing in the world mattered.

"Oioi get a room!!!" The girls shouted, I just showed them the finger without breaking the kiss from Owen. I fifth wheeled for the last few days about time they did. "I'm in love with you too Amelia Smith" I wrapped my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder. "Right love birds, well leave you to it" the girls got up and left.

Owen carried me over to the bed and threw me on it and jumped on next to me. "I cant apologise enough" I just looked at him and admired him "can we work through this?" I nodded. He had the biggest smile on his face I had ever seen. "You do know you'll have to work for it, you have weeks of ignorance to make up for" I laughed. "I wouldnt expect nothing less" we both just laughed. We curled up, it felt so good to have him back.

I dont know how long it had been but it didnt feel like long enough until Owen's phone rang. "Hey sis what's up?" "No" "I'll be right there" he looked panicked and shot straight up. "Oliver has been rushed to hospital, hes had an allergic reaction" I suddenly went into panic mode. "Just keep me updated, I really hope hes ok" owen looked so confused "you're coming with me!" I looked shocked "you're with me now so we do this together" "I'm not with you but ok whatever let's go" I rolled my eyes at him which he rolled his eyes back at me. He grabbed my hand and we rushed down the stairs. Quickly explaining to everyone and ran out the door. Luckily with all the crying and shouting I started to sober up. My heart was racing, my little Ollie.

We drove to the hospital, I felt like I was going to end up in hospital with the way Owen was driving. We ran through the hospital to find a puffy faced Oliver. "Amelliaa ouch!" He held his face. He looked as happy as he could be. "Its okay buddy, dont talk, I know it hurts" Owen tried to soothe him but he just kept looking at me. Owen was a bit taken back by how much Oliver was still attached to me. I sat next to him on his bed and he just curled up to me and cried. My heart was breaking seeing him like this. "Hes missed you" Owen whispered. "I've missed him too" I kissed Ollie on the head. I forgot how much I needed these two in my life.

"Wheres my son?" I jumped up as soon as I heard her voice but Oliver still had hold of my hand and started to cry. "My poor baby" Oliver pushed her away and just cried for me. Both Owen and Holly looked at me. I climbed back on the bed with him and let him snuggle back up to me. Both of them looked shocked. Holly started cursing. "Who gave my child nuts?" Owen's sister Elisha piped up. "I'm sorry I didnt realise, i made pancakes with nutella on" Holly got into Elishas face "why was you left with my child, you cant be trusted" I could see Owen getting more and more annoyed. "I left him with her, Oliver loves and misses his Auntie Eli. I forgot to mention it. I was out" Owen managed to keep his cool. "Typical theres always something more important and better out there than your son!" She spat diverting her evil looks at me.

Oliver started crying again "it's okay buddy" I stroked his hair. "Mummy i dont want you to shout, I just want Daddy, Auntie Eli and Amelia" I was shocked so was Owen by the looks of his face. He flashed me a quick smirk. "You've turned my son against me" she pointed at me. I've had enough of arguments for one day. "Honey, its Owen's time with Oliver I'm sure he can handle it" I didnt even realise Ben was here until he spoke. Holly kept muttering under her breathe. "Yeah and look what theyve done" as she walked out of the hospital room and hopefully away from the hospital.

We stayed for a few hours for observation. "Amelia, Oliver wakey wakey we can go home" I must of fell asleep with Oliver. "You two are adorable" Owen cooed over us. "Just because he loves me more" he scoffed and scooped a sleepy Oliver up and we walked back to the car.

Talk about eventful day.

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