2 ⚡ Just friends

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Chapter 2

five years later | present time

"Princess Eleanor felt lost at that moment." My voice trembles for emphasis as I'm storytelling the werecats' history. The kids' attention is a hundred percent on me.

I close the book, knowing the finale by heart. "From three soul mates, she ended with the damned one. Their blood was everywhere, and she tried bringing them back to life." I slide down from the pillow to the floor, holding the book as if it were a baby.

We use pillows instead of a couch in the living room, so you can imagine how many of them we have.

"She screamed their names out. The lioness princess was heartbroken, to say the least. But it doesn't end here," I continue, looking up toward the ceiling and forcing a single tear to slide down my cheek.

"Alpha Riven saw everything. The death of a vampire and a werewolf with a werecat in the middle of all. That poor wolf, who was also his son, was now gone. The Alpha didn't wait for a day before declaring war to the vampires—"

"Wait. Then why did the Alpha persecute us?" the voice of a tiny boy asks with a raised hand.

I lift an eyebrow at him as the girl beside him slaps the back of his head. "Be patient!" she roars, making me chuckle.

"Thank you, Aurora," I say to the little ten-year-old curly-haired feline. She flashes me a toothy grin while the boy complains under his breath. His hand is massaging the spot where she hit him.

"Well then, where was—" Waves after waves of power hit my senses instantly. My nose tracks down the bubblegum smell, catching an idiot of a lion stepping inside the living room.

His eyes are staring at the tiny, electronic device in-between his hands. Meanwhile, his dark dreads are nicely loose on the side of his face.

"Xavier!" a young boy yells, running toward him and successfully leaping onto his back. Xavier laughs, his arms quickly moving behind, holding the boy up.

His eyes then move to me, and his smile brightens. "Red with the kids. Are you storytelling again?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

I nod, standing up. "Yeah, but I'll continue another time, but spoiler," I say, my gaze returning to the kids lying on the dozens of colorful pillows on the ground. Their heads lift enough to look at me.

"Fast forward to our present, we managed to make peace with werewolves, so we don't need to hide anymore." The kids cheer at that, returning to play amongst themselves.

I turn back to Xavier, seeing him put the boy down. I smile at the scene. He looks so happy. So much that he should have pursued an acting career. Xavier's yellowish eyes focus back on me, and he motions with his head to follow him outside the living room.

I nod, and the moment we're out of the little kids' earshot, his smile drops, and he groans, massaging the back of his neck. "Fucking kids," he murmurs, briefly closing his eyes.

I laugh, patting his back. "The more you hate them, the more they'll come for you. Opposites really do attract after all," I say, receiving a snort from him.

The lion leads me all the way upstairs, making a frown appear on my face. Where are we going?

"Opposites bring chaos and toxic relationships. I don't know how the others do it," Xavier says as he passes his fingers to the narrowed hallway wall filled with art nature-themed canvas.

"So you'd rather be with someone similar to you, I assume."

He glances down at me. "Exactly. It's way better, and there's more chemistry."

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