25 ⚡ Rose

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Chapter 25

"Your job is pretty simple, read the file, and manage the human accordingly," Dante says, handing me a thin file from his neat wooden desk.

I open the document, skim reading the pages. The picture of the girl I have to take care of makes me tilt my head. I've seen her somewhere.

"I'm confused at what I'm supposed to do to the human," I say, walking around his office at a slow pace.

"Everything should be in there. You'll have my Beta by your side to guide you," he explains with his eyes already reading something else.

I halt my steps, frowning at him. "Your Beta?"

As if on cue, the door bursts open, and a tall male makes his presence known. A broad smile appears on my face. Of course, he's his beta. "Michael!" I can't help but yell as I hug him tightly.

The blonde wolf laughs, hugging me back. "I had a feeling we'd see each other again," he says.

Now that I think about it, Michael was with that human girl at the airport and looks like it's the same as the picture: black hair, blue eyes, rosy cheeks, and a small smile on her face. Damn.

"Michael, I'm leaving Alexa in your hands to handle the human," Dante says from behind.

"That's fine," the Beta says as I break our hug, soon following him outside.

"So, how does it feel to be doing illegal stuff?" I casually ask.

Michael's eyes size my appearance. "Cute maid uniform."

I roll my eyes smiling. "Thank your Alpha, and don't change the subject."

He shrugs his shoulders. "What can I say? It is what it is."

"How did it come to that, though? I mean, I knew the pack was always known to not follow the rules, but human trafficking is a whole new concept."

"It's not really human trafficking when they're the ones volunteering."

Looks like I found the person who can put an end to the mission.

"Werecats as well, right?" I ask.

Michael laughs. "I wish! Werecats are—" he stops abruptly, leaving us in the middle of the dining room filled with the long dark tables and chairs around this time.

"How do you know about werecats?" he asks, his chocolate-colored eyes squinting at me in disbelief.

I smile innocently. "I'm a werecat. Voices travel around pretty fast. So, what were you saying?"

Michael shakes his head. "Nothing important."

I didn't have time to ask more because of the black-haired girl walking inside the room in awe. Yep, that's the girl Xavier liked back at the airport. After that, the day passes in a blur. Michael tells me what I should do, which is making sure the human acts a certain way when she'll be off to meet a vampire.

By nightfall, a fancy car comes to pick her up, disappearing through the dark woods. She was a peculiar human. Of all the possibilities I had in mind of her volunteering, I've never expected that kind of answer.

"Why are you here, exactly?" I asked her just a few minutes before the car's arrival.

Michael was glancing at me from the other side, leaving the human in-between us. The girl, which I remember was called Rose, winked at me. "Because I want to meet a vampire, of course."

My eyebrows knitted. "You're doing all of this just to meet a vampire? Not even a particular one?"

Rose nods her head, grinning. "Does it matter? A vampire is a vampire. I've been dying to meet a real one. I wonder if they're how Hollywood makes them out to be."

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