19 ⚡ Ex-boyfriend

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Chapter 19

The wolf I once called boyfriend walks down the stairs, surprising me as he engulfs my body in a warm hug. His arms are bigger than I remember, but his body still stays on the slimmer side.

I can't help but notice the ink covering both his arms. I remember him telling me about his wish to fill his arms with tattoos, but I never thought he'd go through with it. He used to be the kind of person who changed his mind every so often.

"It's been so long," he says as I slowly hug him back.

"...Yeah," I murmur, my voice muffled by his hard chest.

A cough breaks us apart. I look at him still in shock. This feels weird. Dante's plump lips are tugged in a dashing smile that makes my heart flutter. "We have a lot of catching up to do like," he glances beside me toward Xavier, "who's the guy?"

Xavier clears his throat. "I'm her boy—'

"Friend." I quickly cut him off. "He's just a friend."

Dante seems pleased by my answer since he flashes me another smile. I glance up to my side at Xavier, finding his lips set in a thin line and his jaw clenching. I'm sorry Xavier, but I need to find out something first.

"Alpha Dante of the Crimson Pack," Dante says, sticking his hand out to the lion.

Xavier fakes a smile as they handshake. "Xavier Lyon, right hand— of Alexa. We're solitary creatures."

Dante's dark eyes widen, breaking their contact. "You're the werecats."

Xavier and I nod simultaneously. "We're here for business," he says.

"Follow me," Dante replies, taking us inside the simple living room, followed by the dining room, and a short corridor with a wooden door at the end of it.

In less than a couple of minutes, we're inside to what I presume is Dante's study room. Damn. The place is packed with books. There are three wooden shelves, taking all the walls' spaces, filled with books and binders.

Xavier and I take a seat in the leather brown chair. Dante walks around his neat desk, sitting on his office chair. "So, what brings you to me?" he asks, lighting up a cigarette.

My nose scrunches at the sight, and it doesn't go unnoticed by him. The wolf simply smirks. "We're here for the trafficking of werecats. We're offering ourselves as volunteers," Xavier explains.

Dante puffs out smoke. "It's not that easy, and are you guys that poor to be doing this?" he asks, frowning.

Wait, what?

"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"Well, you get paid for your services, although it's a small percentage. I don't know why everyone thinks of it as trafficking. I find it more similar to an escort kind of work," he explains.

I glance at Xavier, finding his knitted eyes already on me. I'm confused. If he pays them, then why does everyone think he kidnaps werecats? Is he lying?

"How much money could we earn?" I ask.

Dante scans Xavier from head to toe. "With that body, he'd get at least one thousand dollars for one day. While you, love, around five hundred," he says, focusing back on me.

I frown. "Why am I cheaper than him?"

A hand comes on my shoulder followed by a laugh. "I'm just more suited for this kind of job," Xavier says as I slap his hand off me out of frustration.

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