30 ⚡ Omit

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Chapter 30

"When the news about werecats came out months ago, our clients started requesting them instead of humans," Michael starts as my nails are still  pressed against the scratch Xavier gave him earlier.

"They were willing to pay us twice of the usual price. At first, we tried making a deal with the werecats we found, but they were stubborn, and eventually, Dante lost his patience."

My eyes narrow at the wincing wolf. "What do you do with them?"

"I don't—" Michael growls as I press harder against the bruise. "I do not know. I'm serious. We don't even know what they do with humans," he says through gritted teeth.

"Cut the bullshit. Dante knows everything about each client of his. There's a reason why he ordered Xavier and me to kill the vampires' twins. Now, speak," I growl, trailing my fingers down his chest, stopping at the bruise and repeating the scratch.

Michael fights against the restraint, barring his lengthened canines at me. "Go fuck yourself," he growls out.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard it right." I scratch him again, going deeper into his skin. If I go further, he might start bleeding out to death.

Michael groans, slamming his head against the pillow. "Fucking bitch," he murmurs under his breath.

"What do you use werecats for?" I ask him again.

The wolf growls. "Fuck you."

My hand is itching to grab the knife. I look around for Xavier, finding his ear pressed against the door with his eyes looking at the scene that's about to become a bit splatter. I give him a ghost of a smile. I'm sorry, Xavier, sometimes, I omit parts of my plan.

I raise my leg high enough for me to slide the tiny silver knife out and stab Michael on the side of his waist. His eyes pop out while Xavier yells my name.

In a flash, the knife is gone from my hand, and my wrist is firmly grasped by Xavier's hold. "What the fuck are you doing?"

I get up, trying to grab the knife back, but he simply puts his arm up, making it impossible for me to reach. "I'm doing my job. Give it back." He moves his arm up, making it harder for me. Damn him and his long arms.

Xavier squeezes my wrist, releasing an ominous growl that makes my cat instantly submit to him. My ears flatten behind as my tail comes in-between my legs. "Don't fuck with me, Reeds."

Even though my feline is lowering her head to him, I manage to let out a small growl as I shrug off his hold. "Do you want to get out of this shithole or—" I gasp when Michael's door bursts open. 

"Right on time," a deep voice from outside says before a metallic ball rolls inside the room. "I know werecats are sensible to catnip, so I wonder what a custom-made gas of it will do to you," the voice says, which I'm guessing is Dante from how confident he sounds.

The ball opens on the sides, releasing a gas that surrounds the room in a blink of an eye.  "We need to get out of here now!" Xavier says, quickly fast walking toward Michael's chair and throwing it against the window.

The glass shatters in a thousand pieces as I run toward it when my body gives up on me the moment I need it the most. I fall on all fours, making the mistake of inhaling the gas. Tears blurry my vision as I feel dizzy.

I think I hear Xavier say something. I'm pretty sure he tries picking my body up from the warmth I feel, but before I know it, my eyes close, surrendering to the overused catnip.


Someone's heavy breathing is making the hairs of my neck rise. My eyes are heavy, unable to open just yet. Is this sleep paralysis? I try moving a part of my body but with no success.

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