33 ⚡ Countryside

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Chapter 33

"So... This is where you grew up?" Xavier asks, looking around the empty field surrounding us.

As promised, we left Kali's place as soon as she was put to bed and took the first flight back to Canada. Kali, keeping her power from me, awoke something from within my heart, and several hours later, Xavier and I are walking out of the taxi and heading toward my house with no luggage at hand.

I wonder what Dante will do with all of our belongings. Luckily we just packed clothes and our burner phones. As for the money, Richard left us his credit card that Xavier is protecting as if it were his baby.

Either way, I decided to take Xavier to my hometown because I didn't want to have any secrets with him. Meeting my dad is proof of it. Although we just got together, I've known him for five years, so I don't think I'm rushing it... Right?

I frown at the lion. "You used to drive me home after school. Why are you so shocked?"

Xavier raises an eyebrow. "Because you didn't give the real address, apparently."

My mouth goes into an 'o' shape. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I was embarrassed about where I lived, so I made Xavier drive me to the nearest pretty house from my real one. After that, I had twenty minutes of walking to do.

I clear my throat, looking at the red wood-framed concrete house. "C'mon, I want you to meet someone," I say, fast-walking down the ground path.

I stop in front of the bland doormat, crouch down, and take the hidden key underneath it.

"Red, wait," Xavier says when I put the key inside the lock. He turns me toward him, giving me a concerned look. "Why are you doing this?"

I blink, tilting my head to the side. "Doing what exactly?"

He nods toward the house. "Bringing me to your house."

I smile. "Because I don't want to have any secrets with you. Finding out Kali's gift after we've spent a year together made me realize that if I want to have a trusting relationship with you, I have to uncover all my cards, even if it's quite scary."

Xavier surprises me by quietly pulling me into a hug. His nose takes a deep inhale of my scent. "Our next trip will be to my hometown," he says in a gentle tone.

I beam into his embrace, letting my hands hold onto the back of his shirt. "You're taking me to Africa?"

I can feel his head moving up and down. "Yes. I don't want to keep any secrets from you as well."

My ear pressed against his upper chest picks up on the way his heart is speeding up, and I bite my lower lip, holding back another smile from showing.

"Does this mean we're a couple?" I ask, pulling my head further back to look at him.

Xavier gives me a weird look. "Do I look like someone who says I love you to anyone?"

I mimic his facial expression. "Saying you love me doesn't make us a couple."

"It does in my world."

My face shifts into a pitied look. "Sometimes, I wonder how much of an idiot you can be."

Xavier rolls his eyes. "Idiocity is subjective, Red."

I squint my eyes as I smirk. "Is idiocity even a word?"

He chuckles. "It is now," he murmurs as he leans down for a kiss.

I smile, closing my eyes and loving how soft his lips are. Kissing Xavier relaxes me. The way he plays with my lips and my tongue, taking all of his sweet time, makes my face burn up and my unconsciously tense shoulders drop.

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