18 ⚡ The plan

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Chapter 18

Once we're settled on the plane, Xavier's fear of flight emerges. We've traveled a lot throughout the years when we joined the Clowder, and I thought that with time his fear would eventually vanish into thin air, but seems like I was wrong.

He starts sweating cold with his golden eyes frantically looking around the plane. His hands are clutching onto the armrests of the chair to the point where his knuckles turn white.

"Xavier," I whisper out.

His eyes glance at me. "Yes?" he says in a tight tone.

I put my hands on his cheeks, forcibly making his eyes look at mine. "You'll have a panic attack if you don't control your breathing now," I whisper, noticing the way his chest is moving way quicker than usual.

Xavier closes his eyes as he follows the pace of my deep breathing. His hand comes up to my waist, twisting the blood colored shirt I'm wearing.

The material slightly tears, but I don't comment on it. The voice of the hostess telling the basic rules in case of emergencies enters one ear and exits the other. "I knew I was going to die from a heart attack," Xavier whispers, inhaling deeply.

I can't help but chuckle at that. "I won't let that happen," I quietly say.

The feline opens his eyes, looking at me weirdly again. My heart flips because of it. I swallow a nervous lump, not tearing my eyes away from him. The more we stare at each other, the more I can hear my beating heart loud in my ears.

Xavier gives me a small smile before taking me by surprise, kissing my cheek. "Thank you," he whispers huskily into my ear.

I smile. "For what?"

"Everything," he simply says, putting some distance between us.

In the meantime, the plane starts to move and Xavier's eyes pop out. I stretch my hands out to him. "If you need to squeeze, do it now before I regret offering my poor hands," I say.

Xavier doesn't waste time grabbing one of my hands with his head pressed against the headrest. The plane leaves the ground, making my stomach drop for a brief second as it reaches the sky.

Once we're high enough, I can feel Xavier's pulse slow down and, eventually, he releases my hand. "Finally."

"I think you killed my hand," I say as I randomly move my fingers around.

Xavier chuckles before something ruffles my hair. I growl, slapping his hand away, making him laugh more. Since my feline is a domesticated cat, my growl is more of a restrained hiss, which Xavier considers a meow.

It is not a meow.

Wait a minute. Now that we're on the plane, he can't avoid my questions. I smile at the thought before turning my focus on him. "Xavier, what exactly did you find on the... leader?"

His body tenses up, his eyes looking everywhere but me. "It doesn't matter, don't worry. More importantly, what plan do you have in mind?" he asks, finally looking at me.

I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest. "First answer my question and then I'll tell you the plan."

Xavier sighs, grabbing my face with his hands. "If it was important, I would have told you already," he says with his glowing eyes unmoving from mine.

I blink at the closeness. "It is important, or else Richard wouldn't have kicked me out of his office," I retort.

Xavier leans forward, kissing me right there and then. Warmth rushes up to my face as I pull away. "Kissing me won't make me forget," I say, breathlessly.

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