40 ⚡ Kidnapped

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Chapter 40

Pain. That's all I'm feeling right now. My body is numb, my head is pounding, and my heart is bleeding.

Not literally though.

Chains are keeping me in place as I open my eyes to the dark and freaking cold room. Where did that fucker take me?

I force Foxy out, making my eyes glow for vision. There's literally nothing around me other than wooden stairs attached to what looks like a crumbling wall.

First the uncomfortable attic and now this. What's next? A black soundproof room?

I shift my gaze downward, seeing that I have a white summer dress covering my body. I cringe at it. I look like twelve.

I'm sitting down with my back pressed against the wall as I try to pull my restrained hands with no success. My stomach growls, begging for food. I let out an audible frustrating groan.

I should be at home with the Clowder doing unimportant stuff, not fighting for my damn life. My vision gets blurry by tears at the thought. The sound of a door creaking open invites minimum artificial light inside.

Footsteps echo in the room, and I swallow a lump as my eyes scan the creature, starting from his shoes. Black elegant boots followed by dark pants and a high neck long-sleeved shirt, showing his slim figure. Is he a thief?

His face finally comes to view, and two cold sky blue eyes are staring at me. His thin, moist lips are set in a straight line, highlighting his sharp facial features. His blonde hair is combed back as if he had another appointment after dealing with me.

I take a deep inhale, letting his rich cologne consume me. He's not a werewolf nor a werecat.

"I'm afraid I'm not a shifter at all," he says in a surprisingly soothing tone. My eyebrows knit in pure confusion. That's weird.

The man laughs, crouching down in front of me. "We're going to have a lot of fun," he says with his eyes turning completely black. Cold sweat drips down the back of my neck as I swallow a lump.

"What are you?" I quietly ask.

He smiles, flashing me his white teeth. "An Unseelie faery."

A faery what now?

The man laughs, making me even more confused. "Not gonna lie, I like your thoughts. Too bad I won't hear them anymore in a bit," he says, tucking a lock of tangled red hair behind my ear.

I swallow a nervous lump. If only—. The faery raises an eyebrow at the abrupt stop of my thought. I can't think. How can I think without having him in my mind? Of all the abilities he could have earned, telepathy has to be the worst.

He tilts his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows. "Weird, I basically told you that I'll kill you, and you're not freaking out?"

I mimic his action. "Why should I freak out when I don't even have the chance to fight back?"

The man blinks, his face remaining impassive before he fishes out of his pocket a needle filled with a dark red liquid. "Let's just get started," he says, and I lean back.

"Wait, wait," I quickly protest, stopping him as he raises an eyebrow. "Where's Michael?"

The faery rolls his eyes. "Upstairs," he states, and before I can say anything else, he injects the needle between my neck and shoulder.

My eyes snap shut, expecting something painful to happen, but it doesn't come. When I take a peak, the man's gaze is still pitch black. My body freezes on the spot. His face is cold and, not going to lie, he's scaring me.

The beating of my heart speeds up, and I'm left gasping for air. The man smiles. "It's starting," he says.

What does he mean by that?

Goosebumps after goosebumps overcomes my body. That's when I feel it. It's as if a punch in the stomach, my period cramps, and a burning pain are making a baby.

I bite my lips, holding back the cry as tears slide down my cheeks against my wishes. My eyes close, refusing to watch a second more of the faery's dark smirk.

"Don't worry, you'll be screaming soon," he says as the stomach pain gets worse. Why is only my stomach hurting so fucking much? My fingers wrap around the chains, squeezing to a point I'm sure they'll leave a sign on my palms.

Meanwhile, the man hums. "That's actually weird. The pain should be all over your body... Unless... Are you pregnant?"

My head lifts to look at a wide-eyed fairy. Pregnant? That's impossible...

I've always taken the pill. I never—

Wait, no.

Ever since we ran away from Dante, I stopped taking it because I left it at the pack's house.

I curse under my breath, remembering the few times Xavier and I slept together. I started taking the pill once we were back to the Clowder's villa. Everything makes so much sense now; the lack of hunger, the overtime sleeping schedule, and the nonstop crying.

"I can't believe that fucker brought me a pregnant werecat," the faery says, groaning.

"What now?" I manage to whisper out throughout the pain.

"If you're feeling the pain only in the womb area, then I think the kitten is taking all the blood."

I open my mouth only to release an unexpected gasp as I feel a liquid sliding down my legs and expanding on the cold floor. I look at it, seeing a pool of blood increase. The pain intensifies. I can now feel it on my legs, my arms, my chest, everywhere, and it fucking hurts.

I can't help but cry when a cold hand raises my head. My gaze locks with black eyes. "Fascinating," he murmurs, passing his thumb under my nose. Blood is on it, and my heart quickens. Panic settles in me. What's happening to me?

"I don't know," the faery says, "Werecats usually die by now."

Black dots appear in my vision, and I quickly blink my eyes, trying to stay conscious. 

I don't want to die. 

I chant it on my head, over and over again, but it seems like my body doesn't care, and just like that, everything turns black. 

Yep, intentional short chapter. You'll see why on the next one. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote! xx

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