26 ⚡ Return of Lyon

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Chapter 26

"What is this? A promotion?" I ask at the Alpha as I point to the short, tanned human girl looking down at her feet, her wavy brown hair covering her face.

Dante's black eyes look up from the file he was reading, his hand passing through his short black hair. "You're getting too comfortable here," he says, sighing.

My eyes narrow at him. "Don't change the subject. Why did I wake up to Michael ordering me around to be quick because I had to take care of this?" I point to the human again.

"Why must you question everything? Just do as you're told."

Hell, no. This job won't allow me to look for some clues at this rate.

"No, I'd rather be your maid," I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

Dante's eyes drop to my chest before quickly looking away. "Human, leave us," he orders, standing up.

The girl nods, slipping away from his office. The Alpha walks around his desk, and with two long strides, he's already towering over me. "Why would you rather be my maid? Helping humans is a less tiring job, and you get paid the same amount, so why?"

I swallow a lump, forcing a heated look to appear on my face. I might need to cleanse my spirit after this. "You're smart. I'm sure you already have a few ideas in mind," I say in a honeyed voice as I take a step closer to him and deliberately drop my gaze to his naturally red lips.

Dante's face hardens as he takes a step back. "Don't you even dare do that after calling out another guy's name when we were in bed."

My façade drops. I give Dante a sour look. "You're no fun."

He lifts an eyebrow at that. "Well—" Our ears pick up footsteps getting closer, and a faint scent of bubblegum is making me smile against my will.

"You like him, don't you?" he whispers with his eyes bouncing back and forth between me and the door behind.

I look down, nodding my head. I really do.

"Well then, let's test if he does as well," he says as he pulls me against his body.

I gasp, staring at him wide-eyed as he dips his head down, smoothly kissing me.

Blood rushes up my face in seconds, and the sound of the door opening follows. A nostalgic roar makes a shiver run down my back. A hand tugs the back of my uniform hard enough for me to collide against Xavier's chest. "What the hell are you doing?!" he roars out.

I can hear Xavier's quick heartbeat.

"I thought you were just friends," Dante says wickedly.

Xavier squeezes me. "We are."

I glance at the Alpha, who's tilting his head to the side. "If you are, then why did you interrupt us?"

Xavier's body tenses up before releasing his hold on me. My wide eyes look up at him, finding him giving me a disappointed look that quickly becomes blank. "I'll unpack my things and report what happened," he says, walking out of the office and making sure to loudly slam the door.

My feet move forward to follow him but get stopped by Dante, grabbing my arm. "Let him go."

I shrug off his hold, openly glaring at his smiling face. "What are you doing?"

Dante shrugs his shoulders. "Helping you, of course."

I frown. "Elaborate."

"He has feelings for you, but for some reason, he's in denial. That's why we're going to push him a little over the edge," he says, taking a step forward and snaking an arm around my waist.

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