38 ⚡ Head of werewolves

381 49 14

Chapter 38

Alpha fucking Denver. A woman's wet dream. 

Well, he's definitely mine, at least.

The power, the poise, the look, and the fucking charm. This man has it all, and I can't help but drool for him.

A six-foot-three man with ocean eyes and combed-back brown hair is looking at me. He is now aware of my existence. His sharp jaw and dashing smile make my knees go weak.

How can a person be so damn beautiful?

"Miss Reeds?" he calls out, raising a dark, perfect eyebrow.

I blink my eyes before clearing my throat. "Yes, uh, yes," I step aside from the door, "come in."

The man has to slightly crouch his head to walk inside my house. I turn around to Xavier, openly glaring at me. I'm sorry, Lyon, but he's way too damn fine.

"What happened?" he asks, and I can now identify an accent from that naturally husky voice.

Alpha Denver crouches down, touching Dante's bloodied neck. Xavier and I exchange a look, and I look away, not finding my voice to communicate with that creature.

Xavier speaks up, explaining everything from the moment we stepped foot inside the Crimson Pack's house. Alpha Denver quietly listens, his eyes scanning all the four dead wolves. His face leaves no trace of emotion.

Is it me, or is it getting warmer here?

I would fan myself if I could but turning mute because of a man's appearance is embarrassing enough.

Once Xavier is done speaking, the wolf stays quiet for a bit as if processing all the information. "Also," Xavier continues, "we found out that higher rank werewolves packs are linked to his feline's illegal business."

My eyes catch Denver's strong jaw clenching at the mention of the high-rank werewolves pack. I cross my arms over my chest, leaving my brain to theorize about the unexpected action.

"I'll dig deeper into that," he says, and his accent finally clicks.

It's Australian. Denver has a freaking Australian accent.

If I were an animated character, my eyes would have shifted into the biggest hearts. Can he be sexi— I need to focus!

I mentally slap myself.

Stupid hormones.

"Why do you think they'd be interested in it?" I ask, feeling my heart ready to burst out of my chest when Alpha Denver looks at me.

He stands up from his crouched position, putting his hands into his pants' front pockets. "It depends. Some might want to experiment with werecats. Others might want to procreate another feline or simply use their fur for the human's business. You know, real fur is pretty expensive," he says.

Selling fur. I should have thought of that sooner, but the wolf knowing so much about it makes me believe that he is indeed involved somehow. But with Dante's death...

"What will happen now that their Alpha is dead?" I ask.

"Since he had no Luna or heir, the Beta will be tested to take over the role. If he doesn't pass, the pack will temporarily be under my leadership while I find another Alpha."

So did we save the werecats?

Xavier clears his throat. "Does that mean that now that Dante's dead, the exploitation of werecats is over?" he asks.

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