8 ⚡ "Friends"

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Chapter 8

Oddly enough, I wake up to the sound of hushed voices.

"Richard, leave them alone! The clowder won't die if they skip their training for one day!" I manage to hear Gabriella scolding her husband. I can imagine her frowned face perfectly.

Wait, skipped training?!

My eyes snap open and roam around the white and brown themed bedroom. I catch Xavier's phone sitting on his side of the wooden bedside table. His back is facing me, and I release the hold I had on him. I quietly sit up and stretch to his side, my weight crushing him a bit.

The only sound he makes is a groan. I grab his phone and turn it on, seeing it's eleven in the morning. Damn. We should have already been outside three hours ago.

Oh, well.

I delicately put the phone back to its place and go back to hugging Xavier from behind, my cheek pressed against his back.

"...stop ordering me around!" Richard's raspy voice yells.

I'm pretty sure everyone heard it.

There's a moment of silence before light footsteps quickly walk away from Xavier's room followed by heavier ones.

I don't even know who to feel sorry for. Gabriella can be pretty commanding when she wants to, but Richard doesn't joke either.

With a sigh, I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep, but it's too late. I'm wide awake just like that Katy Perry song.

I get up, stretching my arms upward when a deep voice makes itself known. "Bring me some coffee," Xavier's sleepy voice says.

My eyes narrow. "I think you need to finish that sentence."

"Please, Red," he says in a tiny voice.

A grin appears on my face as I walk to his drawer and open the bottom one filled with my clothes. It's not a regular thing to have, but Xavier one day decided to occupy one of my drawers while I was with Sam, so I thought, why not do the same? Turns out, it was useful.

I put on a simple light shirt and darker jeans short, finishing off with my usual white sneakers before walking out of the room, and heading straight to the kitchen.

As I'm walking downstairs, the chatter of the clowder gets louder. The main entrance is empty, having only a black table with decorative items on top, and a reflecting black and white marble floor.

First thing I spot when I enter inside the kitchen is Kai with a spoonful of ice-cream in hand. His eyes are focused on the tub of sweet, completely unaware of the few gazes he's receiving from a couple of new werecats.

I shake my head at the sight and quietly walk to the white-colored counter where the coffee machine is ready to pour me some caffeine in the mugs I picked from the upper shelf.

"Good morning sunshine!" a chirpy, feminine voice yells, receiving sleepy groans from the others from how loud she was.

I follow the sound, finding Gabriella grinning with her two sons always running around her feet. She and Richard have twins, but they're not humans yet. They're in their felines form. Werecats can decide in the first two months of pregnancy to do it in their human or cat form. Once they've chosen, they cannot shift until they give birth.

In Gabriella's case, she decided to do it in her white tiger form, which leads her to have two tiger cubs running around, waiting to shift in their human form.

"What happened to be in such a good mood?" I ask, watching Gabriella take out soy milk from the fridge.

The sound of the coffee machine working is constantly in the background as I replace my filled cup with Xavier's empty one.

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