5 ⚡ Good morning

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Chapter 5

Something warm is wrapped around me. My body stirs as I slowly open my eyes, only to find a caramel-toned arm under my nose. I shift around enough to see the person who dared to sneak into my bed while I'm sleeping.

A silent Xavier is angelically napping behind me with his ears shifted into his feline. It's an adorable sight.

And damn, I knew I heard something odd during the night, but I was too lazy to do anything.

With a hand-covering yawn, I slide off the comfy bed and walk straight to the tiny, immaculate white bathroom. I've been here for five years, and I still need to decorate this room. The only thing I did was fill the sink's corners and cabinets with my toiletries. Oh, and, of course, do the same for the shower.

Anyway, I do my morning routine, tie my ginger hair in a high ponytail, and walk back inside the bedroom. The large wooden wardrobe occupies the beige wall in front of me, leaving the bed pressed against the wall behind me. I open the drawer filled with my training clothes when a heavy voice reaches my ears.

"Your butt is rounder."

I glance back, seeing a shirtless Xavier sitting up, his ears back to human, and his yellowish eyes on me. I drop my gaze. "Your nipples are hard," I retort, making him gasp dramatically.

His hands fly over his nipples as he puckers his lips, his eyebrows knitting as well. A mix of snort and laugh comes out of me, which cracks a smile out of him.

"Good morning, darling," he says. I parrot his words as I slide over my body a black sports bra and finish dressing up.

"I saw Nala coming out of your room yesterday. From the mug on your desk, I assume you girls are friends again?"

I nod, crouching on the floor to tie my sneakers. "Yeah, we talked a lot. What did she say to you?"

"Nothing, which leaves me shocked. She didn't even glance at me, and I don't know how to feel about that."

"As long as you leave her alone, you both should feel... happy," I say, turning around and walking back to the bed.

I let my body sit on the edge of it while Xavier leans his head against the wall, closing his eyes. "I don't know... Now that she's ignoring me, it makes me want to chase after her," he says.

My eyes narrow, hearing those words. "Your selfishness has no boundaries. Leave Nala alone unless you want something serious with her," I say, receiving a disgusted look from my best friend.

"Have you seen me?" he asks, pointing to his wide-eyed face.

I can't help but roll my eyes. "Then let her be. I'm serious, Xavier."

Another dramatic gasp leaves his lips. "The fact that you're not calling me an idiot or stupid shocks me to my core. Now, what did she say to make you act so damn defensive?"

"Enough to make me realize that if you end up in bed with her again, she'll fall for you hard," I say, releasing a sigh.

"What about you?" he quietly asks.

I frown. "What about me?"

"Have you ever thought of doing it with me? Because I do. More than I'd like to admit," he confesses with his eyes looking right into mine.

I can't help but laugh at him. "What are you talking about?" I ask as I put my hand on his forehead. "Mmm, weird, you don't look ill."

Xavier rolls his eyes, pushing my hand away. "I'm more than fine, and I'm serious, Red."

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