42 ⚡ Bloody mess

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Chapter 42


I can't breathe.

"Remember me, Red," I gasp as my knees give out. I fall on all fours, trying to fill my lungs with oxygen.

Your scent. Release it all. Now, my feline says, ready to take control of my suffocating body.

I do as Leao says and release everything I've got. Housecats always feel overwhelmed when smelling it. Maybe that'll wake her up.

Black dots are appearing in my vision, and panic settles in me. "Red, please. I love you," I whisper, fighting my body that is ready to pass out or worse.

Just when I thought it was over for me, my throat gets released as I see the blood that was squeezing it drip down my arm, staining my black shirt.

I gasp big chunks of air as I look up to Alexa. Her eyes are back to the beautiful green, and the horrified expression she has on her face makes me realize that whatever happened here wasn't her conscious doing.

She drops the bag of candies on the ground and rushes to me. Tears are in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she repeats over and over again as I sit on my knees and pull her down with me, engulfing her into a hug.

Her shaky arms wrap around my torso as she buries her head onto my neck, inhaling my scent. "It's fine, I'm alright," I say and repeat it every time she apologizes.

Her body shakes as she quietly cries. Witnessing her cry makes me feel powerless. I want to stop her tears and see her smiling again, but sometimes, crying is needed. I don't know what happened here, but it looks like she won't know as well. "Everything is fine," I murmur as my heart clenches for her.

She shakes her head. "I was killing you," she says in-between hiccups.

Richard and Nala walk back inside at that moment. I quickly put my index finger near my lips, a sign to not interrupt us. Richard nods while Nala narrows her eyes at me. She takes a step forward as he grabs her wrist, effortlessly dragging her away.

I sigh, rubbing Red's back in a circular motion.

She's been crying so much lately. It's not like her at all. Red is someone that would prefer jumping over a cliff before letting a person see her tears. I'm happy she doesn't mind showing her vulnerable side to me, but I feel like she's been crying for the most useless stuff ever since we came back to the clowder.

"What happened?" I whisper when I can't hear her hiccups and sniff anymore.

She shakes her head. "I don't know. I don't remember anything. It feels like I just woke up from a deep sleep," she says.

"Do you remember what happened before you got here?" I ask.

She slowly nods her head. "Michael chased me from the forest. I should have jumped on Richard's back, but I was waiting for you."

My jaw clenches at the mention of Michael. I wanted to be the one to kill him.

Alexa lifts her head, and I melt at the wide-eyed look her glowing green eyes are giving me. The urge to kiss her sends my blood rushing south, and I have to remind myself of the situation we're in, but damn, it's hard.

Her bow-shaped lips are red as if begging to be kissed, her cheeks are covered in dried blood, hiding the freckles I love so much, and her upturned nose is red from crying earlier.

"I'm sorry I didn't come in time," I say, kissing her forehead.

A smile tugs at her sexy lips. "It's fine. You're here now, so I'm safe."

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