44 ⚡ Truth

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Chapter 44

I squirm under the Council's studious gaze.

I ended up doing as they said, and now everyone is looking at my body as if it were an experiment, and to some extent, it really is. They're circling me with Caden touching random spots on my body. "Tell me when something feels off," he says as he starts from my calves. The sorcerer simply rests his hands on them for a minute before moving upward. Aside from the warmth he's releasing, I don't feel anything else.

Xavier is behind me, his face hovering over mine as he closely watches Caden. His eyes glow every once in a while, making me wonder if he's jealous of another person touching me even though it's purely experimental. Is it wrong for me to want to see his possessive side more? Just thinking about it makes all sorts of scenes in my head unfold.

A nauseous sensation hits me out of nowhere. I grab Caden's wrists in a flash. "Stop," I breathe out.

The warlock eyebrows move up in surprise. "Interesting. Are you pregnant?"

I look down to where his hands are, finding that he placed them right on my stomach.

"She is," Xavier speaks up, gaining my attention. His jaw is clenching as he stares at Caden dead in the eye.

"And I guess you're the father from the way you're looking at me. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to her or the child. It just complicates things though," he says as I release my hold and some members of the Council sit back down on their chairs.

"Complicate how exactly?" I ask, moving to a sitting, cross-legged position on the table.

"Because whatever happened is probably linked to your baby, but we can't do much without risking hurting them. So the only thing we can do is postpone your sentence until the child is born and coexisting with the feline. What a mess," he murmurs the last sentence, passing a hand through his short straight hair.

"What about that recording? It should be all over social media now," I say, nodding at the TV screen.

"I'll deal with that," a rough voice speaks up. Alpha Denver.

He's sitting at the head of the table looking dominating and sexy as hell. I slightly bow my head at him. "Thank you, Alpha."

His eyes glance to the right before nodding at me. The shifting gaze was quick, but I still caught it on time. I follow his gaze, finding Ariel engrossed in her phone. That's unexpected.

The Creatures Council doesn't keep us in their office for long, so after Richard bid them goodbye for a good hour, giving me enough time to study the interaction between Denver and Ariel, we finally leave the place and travel back home.

Denver definitely has a crush on Ariel, but I think she's onto the demon. The wolf would always glance at her when he stated something as if looking for approval that he would never receive since she would be shamelessly teasing the demon.

Nothing special happens during our journey back home. Well, Xavier and I bicker about the baby's name already, and I'm surprised at how supportive he is. I didn't expect that side of him to show since I know he's not a fan of children in general.

He insists on calling them Jamie if he's a boy and Viola for a girl, but I don't like neither of them. Mines are Benedict and Adeline. He hates them and offers to compromise. We ended up merging the names, and Benjamin and Adeola came out. We both are on the same page with them.

When we're back to the Clowder, I end up sleeping for the next ten hours after a relaxing hot shower. My stomach hurts all the time, and all I can seem to do is go back to sleep, hoping it'll end.

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