10 ⚡ Deal

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Chapter 10

The summer sun is making me sweat without even moving a finger, so imagine how much odor my body is having after three hours of exercising.

I put my bow on the grass before sitting down to take a breather. Why do I feel like I'm dying? I've never had issues while exercising, but the past few days have been quite intense.

"No time to rest, do fifty burpees."
I lift my head, my eyes are squinting for the UV rays while Xavier walks away from me.

I thought after the little party we did he'd go back to his usual self but guess I was wrong. Every time something is bothering Xavier, he shuts everyone out, but it seems like this time I'm the one at fault because he acts like himself with everyone else but me.

With a sigh, I pull myself up and slowly do the burpees with my legs burning from the intense training. I let my eyes wander around the greeny front yard, seeing everyone else stretching their muscles. My eyes narrow at the sight of Xavier stretching his arms.

That fucker. He's purposely draining me.

With that in mind, I sit down, stretching my legs. If he's really being an ass, he'll come. I stare at the ground when my feline ears perk up to the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Alexa," Xavier baritone voice calls.

I don't move my eyes from the floor. "What is it?"

"I told you to do fifty burpees."

I hold back the roll of my eyes. "Well, everyone else is stretching, so why shouldn't I?"

"Because everyone else listens to me. You don't, so do the damn burpees."

My jaw clenches as I look up to a glaring Xavier with crossed arms. "I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for another person. I always listen to you during training. Always, so don't come at me with that nonsense."

Xavier opens his mouth only to close it and clench his jaw, passing his tattooed fingers over it. My eyes don't drop the glare as I turn my head away from him, continuing to stretch my legs covered in a burgundy sporty leggings. Now that I think about it, Xavier gifted me these pants during the winter solstice holiday.

The memory of it clenches my heart, and my facial features soften. My ears shift back to human as I look back toward the lion, walking further away from me. My mouth opens, calling his name out loud.

Xavier stops in his tracks and reluctantly turns back around with an unreadable expression. When he's close enough, I motion him to sit down with me on the ground, and for once, he listens.

"Did I do something to offend you?" I quietly ask, watching him cross his legs.

"You know damn well what you did," he grumbles out, his eyes staring at the ground.

"Yeah, well, you asked me a question. Did you prefer for me to lie about it?"

He surprises me by nodding his head. "Definitely," he says, looking up at me.

I roll my eyes. "It's not like I'll see Dante again, but hey, I didn't take you for the jealous type," I tease, nudging him, playfully.

Xavier sighs. "I have a feeling he'll make an appearance in the worst moment possible, and at that point, I'll probably be done with life."

I blink. Huh?

My hand holds onto his shoulder in a comforting way. "We watch way too many TV shows that are affecting the way we view the world," I say with a pitied look on my face.

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