13⚡ Coward

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Chapter 13

Everyone knows it's full moon day when scared Xavier walks out of the house with a mask and sunglasses on, reminding me of Korean celebrities' covers.

"As you may have noticed, today is full moon day," he starts as the clowder falls into a straight line. "The rule is the same. If someone doesn't want to meet their mate, do not touch them, do not stare at them and, please, do not stay close to that person. I included."

I roll my eyes. "You, idiot. It's 9 am, the sun is shining, and the moon is nowhere to be seen. Stop being paranoid," I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

Xavier's head snaps toward me but with his face completely covered up, I can't see for shit his expressions. "I don't know about you Red, but I'd rather not risk it. Now, run around the house five times as usual." He doesn't even give me time to answer that he presses the horn button of the megaphone.

Everyone starts moving. I shake my head as I watch Xavier fish out of the pocket of his knee-length shorts, dark plastic gloves.

"He's such a drama queen," Nala comments, following my pace.

I chuckle, nodding. "Tell me about it."

Throughout all the training, our lovely trainer keeps his distance from everyone. When lunch arrives, he grabs his plate from the kitchen before bolting upstairs. He really is being dramatic.

The day moves along and I take advantage of the free time that I have to do some general research.

I enter inside the rustic library, instantly smelling the scent old pages have. Dark, long shelves are all pressed against the wall, filled with old and new books. A wooden staircase is neatly placed in a corner, ready to be moved around the shelves.

The library seems spacious but with the few shelves also being in the middle of the room there's only space for single leather chairs randomly scattered around.

I let my fingers trail across the books as I skim read the titles until a particular one catches my attention. Lion's Pride. I hesitate for a moment. Why am I so interested in lions? I should read more history about werecats.

Nonetheless, my hand grabs the book, sliding it out. A small red note falls to the ground. Weird. I pick it up, noticing the horrible handwriting on it. My eyes squint, trying to read it.

Mmh... I think it says 'Stop searching about me on your own' with a tiny heart drawn in it.

I roll my eyes. The idiot. My hand clenches, turning the piece of red paper into a ball.

I sit down on one of the vacant leather chairs, spending the day reading about lions. One thing is for sure, lionesses have it tough. Not only do they have more mates, but if they reject them, that mate might even kill itself. Whereas lions have the privilege to choose.

Well, to be more specific, lions have a soulmate that can only be lionesses, but since one can choose another mate while the other has multiples if they reject each other, nothing tragic happens.

It's unfair.

Why can they choose or have more than one mate while the rest of the felines can only have one? It sucks.

The buzz coming from my phone snaps me out of my thoughts. I quickly take it out from the back pocket of my shorts. Kali is calling. That's unusual.

Nevertheless, I answer the video call, meeting a sorceress with a bleeding lip, looking stressed as hell. "What happened?" I ask with a frown.

Kali wipes the blood away with her thumb. "I might have pissed off the locked up huntress," she says, sitting down on what looks like a black, leather office type of chair.

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