47 ⚡ Hybrid

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Chapter 47

The following days, we wait for the Council to arrive. Richard has been keeping a close eye on the baby. We noticed that as long as Benji is being taken care of, nothing strange happens.

"Weird," Richard comments as he stares at sleeping Benjamin. Xavier is in the kitchen searching for some snacks while I'm in my bed reading more dark faeries myths.

"What is weird?" I reply absentmindedly.

Someone walks inside my room without knocking as their scent quickly fills my lungs. I glance at the intruder seeing that it's Richard's wife. She sighs, looking at her husband. "You're paying more attention to that baby than your children," she says.

He straightens his back, facing her. "What brings you here?" he coldly asks.

My ears perk up to the tension. I stare at the open book, not even daring to make a sound by turning the page.

Gabriella snorts. "Damn, you're an asshole. Look, I thought about it, and I think it's best if we take some time apart. The boys are coming with me."

My head snaps to the couple. I can't see Richard's face since his back is on me, but Gabriella is definitely holding back tears by how fast she's blinking.

"Wait, what?" he asks, dumbfounded.

"I'm moving back to the city. You feel suffocated, and I miss the love and attention we used to give each other. I don't see a better option than me leaving," she explains.

"You said you would never leave me," he says in a quiet voice.

Gabby rolls her eyes. "And you promised that you would always love me, yet here we are. Not even our felines are on the same page anymore."

"Are you cheating on me?" he growls out.

My jaw hangs. I thought he was one of the smart guys.

Fire is burning behind the intense stare Gabby is giving, while a suffocating vibe makes my feline lower herself in submission. Damn tigers. "You're a fucking idiot." And with that, she walks out.

Richard is too stunned to move as Xavier slowly walks inside from behind the wall with a bowl of popcorn in hand. I mouth him a 'really' as he tries to quietly eat them.

He shrugs his shoulders in reply.

"She's cheating, isn't she?" Richard asks no one in particular. "That will explain her leaving me."

I frown. "Gabby is leaving because you're a dickhead."

"I've never mistreated her."

"You don't have to. Just the tone you're using with her is enough to be a dick," I say.

It's been a year, and this couple has been having more downs than ups. Although they try to keep their business private, everyone by now noticed that something changed between them.

They're more distant, they talk less, and the icing on the cake is Gabriella sleeping in another room.

Xavier dips the bed, sitting on the edge of it. "Do you even love her?" he asks.

"Of course, I do," Richard instantly replies.

I roll my eyes at that. "You don't. Your feline loves her. It's different. I heard the way you talked to her when she came here, and there was no trace of love."

Richard doesn't say a word, walking out of the room, leaving Xavier and me alone. I sigh, pushing my back against the headboard. The sound of raindrops hitting the window relaxes me. "Kiss me," I say, pouting.

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