12 ⚡ Dancing session

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Chapter 12

Never in a million years did I think I would ever see Xavier dance in my red bathroom robe.

I woke up to the sound of a feminine voice singing to the beat of an old song, mixing with the running water of the shower.

I sat up in my bed, grabbing my phone from the bedside table and seeing that it was only 7 am. I should have started to get ready for training, but my body acted on its own, lying back down on the bed.

I turned to the side where Xavier slept and hugged the brown pillow. My nose inhaled the bubblegum scent he always has on. It's sweet. A soft smile tugged at my lips.

That's when the door of my bathroom opened with the music booming in my bedroom.

My eyes widened, witnessing Xavier moonwalking himself out of my bathroom in my red robe, which brings us to the present. I hide my grin in the pillow as my eyes silently follow his every movement.

His head with his dreads pulled up in a man bun is bopping to the old beat of the song. "Put your head on my shoulder," he sings, and I'm surprised at how soothing his voice is.

The song dissolves to a new one as he walks up to my wooden drawer. The beat is modern with a male voice rapping this time. Xavier does some random dancing moves, twirling around toward the bed and gasping at my awakened state.

Even though he's mixed, I can still see the blush of embarrassment creeping up his cheeks. It's not much, but it's there. "How much did you see?" he asks, clearing his throat before crossing his arms over his chest.

I throw him an innocent smile. "Just you dancing randomly, and singing to Paul Anka. Everything, basically."

He turns back to the drawer, dropping my robe on the floor. My eyes instantly move to the ceiling. "Don't mind me," I dryly say.

Xavier chuckles. "Please, you've already seen everything about me."

"Well, it's not the same thing, idiot!"

"Oh, really?" he asks, his voice deeper than usual. My breath hitches when I feel the bed dip, soon followed by Xavier's face in front of me.

I know he's naked, I know, but regardless, my eyes drop down for a second before moving back up to a smirking lion. My body warms up, excitement rushing through my veins that makes me mentally curse for how quick it happened. Oh, great. Now, I'm horny.

I groan while Xavier laughs. "Want to do a quickie?" he suggests, wiggling his eyebrows.

Goosebumps crawl all over me as my hand softly rubs his cheek, noticing the way his eyes soften. My heart speeds up for it. "Let's—"

"Not at 7 am, you idiot!" a familiar voice yells from outside.


Xavier and I exchange a confused look before turning our heads toward the closed door. Heavy footsteps gradually get louder until a stressed-out Richard bursts inside the room without knocking.

Xavier gasps, rolling off of me and taking the sheets with him to cover his naked body. Thank the Gods I have my pajama dress on instead of the usual bra and panties combo.

"Good morning, Richard," Xavier says. His head is resting on my pillow with his golden eyes staring at the white ceiling.

I act nonchalant as my body turns to Richard's side, propping up my head on the palm of my hand. The other hand tucks a strand of red hair behind my ear. Richard's face is an open book. He saw everything. Blood rushes up to my face.

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