6 ⚡ Kali

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Chapter 6

Dark, smoky eyes blink at me with full bow-shaped lips set in a thin line. I swallow a nervous lump as I force a tiny smile to appear. "Kali, you look gorgeous," I say, meaning every word of it.

Kali is a beautiful Indian witch with the softest long, dark straight hair I've ever touched. The thought of it makes me feel nostalgic.

Nonetheless, the look she's giving me is anything but kindness. "I don't have time to lose. What do you want?" she says, her voice sounding as bitchy as always.

I roll my eyes. "Hello to you too, Kali. How are you? You're still as radiant as I remember."

The sorceress bites her lower lip, hiding a smile I know very well is there. "I missed that," I say, eyeing her lips before glancing at Xavier, finding him giving me a weird look that stirs something in my heart I can't point out yet.

That's weird.

"That frown. Who's with you?" Kali asks, squinting her eyes.

"No one," I say with a tight-lipped smile. "What do you know about the Crimson Pack?"

She sighs, her eyes looking elsewhere as she walks somewhere. "The Alpha is a douche who does human trafficking, but from what I heard, the humans are the ones offering themselves to him."

My eyebrows knit closer. "How's that possible?"

"Wish I knew, and you'd be surprised by how many people are paying him to have the humans, especially vampires, which from one side, I understand why they'd do that, but from another side, I wonder why they don't just kidnap them for free? I mean, I heard that shit is being romanticized as long as the kidnapper is sexy, so might as well make it come true," she says, cracking a laugh.

"A lot of things are being romanticized."

My eyes snap toward the soothing, baritone sound. Xavier stands up and squeezes himself in the leather chair, forcing me to sit on his lap.

Kali raises an eyebrow smirking. "Xavier Lyon, I can see your eye wrinkles from here," she says.

Xavier rolls his eyes, snatching the phone from my hand and putting it at a lower angle. "Check out my nonexistent double chin since I can see yours from here," he says, making Kali gasp and cover her neck with her long, dark manicured hand.

I can't help but slap his shoulder. "Where are your manners?!" I say as his laugh booms in the room while Kali curses him out.

"She started it," he breathes out in-between chuckles.

Xavier and I have known Kali for a while now. I don't remember when we first met her, but I just know that I've spent amazing months being with her until the long-distance got in the way, and we decided to break up.

"Anyways, have you seen that Fifty Shades of Grey rip-off?" Kali asks, making Xavier and I dramatically groan.

"Girl, that movie had no plot, and I still got a boner from it," Xavier says, making her laugh.

I shudder at the memory. "And to think I saw it first-hand," I say, remembering how casual Xavier was during the sex montage of the movie.

Kali's dark eyes widen. "Wait, you got a boner and didn't try doing it with Alexa? Are you gay as well?" she asks with her mouth slightly hanging.

Xavier lifts an eyebrow. "No, boo, I still like what you like, but now that you said it, I wonder why I didn't make a move on her."

"You know I'm right here, right?" I say, feeling as if I've been put aside by them.

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