11 ⚡Benefit of the doubt

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Chapter 11

"What happened between you two?"

My head tilts to the side as my eyes look at a confused Kai. "What do you mean by that?" I ask, eating a piece of raw cooked meat.

A few days passed ever since Xavier and I changed our relationship status from Platonic Friendship to Sleeping Buddies. We're following the rules, acting as if nothing happened between us, so Kai already picking-up on it isn't a good sign.

"It's been a few days since you and Xavier aren't fighting," he points out with a piece of cherry tomato attached to his fork.

My gaze follows the movement of the fork, moving between Xavier and me. "So what if we don't fight?"

"You're kidding right?" I follow the masculine voice, finding Jason give us a bewildered look. "You guys can't pass two days without fighting for something useless like that debate about a tiger against a lion."

Xavier grabs the table's attention by chuckling. "That was a simple conversation about our different perspectives. I still believe that lions win against tigers."

My eyes roll at the last statement. "No, idiot, a tiger beats you because of their weight, amongst other things, and there's nothing you can do about it. It's literally an upgraded version of you."

"Ridiculous. A lion wins hands down against a tiger—"

"Now, let's not get carried away. There's a reason why I'm the leader and you're not pretty boy," Richard intervenes with a prideful smirk.

Xavier puts down his fork and knife to cross his arms over his chest. "Because you're rich and old."

Richard's hand goes over his heart. He feigns a shocked gasp. "I'm only thirty-two! Plus, money doesn't mean anything. You're rich as well, man."

"No way. If I built this mansion and the clinic, I would already been broke as fuck," Xavier says, shaking his head.

"That's because you don't know how to grow your money, but leaving that aside, tigers' mouth bite, speed, weight, and even height surpasses the lions' one. In a fair fight, the tiger wins, but the lion has the Pride to back him up, so I'd be dead soon after the kill," Richard explains, shrugging his shoulders.

I put my hand on Xavier's shoulder in a comforting way. "Sorry, man," I say with a pitiful look on my face.

The feline beside me growls, pushing my hand away. "You never back me up," he grumbles out.

"That's because you're always on the wrong side," I say, getting back to eating my dinner.

I can feel his eyes on me and sure enough, when I glance at Xavier, a brief exchange happens that makes my heart stop beating for a moment. His eyes glowed and looked at me in a weird way.

"Ah! Right there! What was that, huh? Are you guys sleeping together?" Kai says, his jaw dropping at the sight.

A short silence follows before Xavier and I burst out laughing at the same time. We point at each other with a wide-eyed look on our faces that translates to 'me and him? Never!'.

"What a ridiculous assumption," Xavier breathes out as I nod in agreement.

Jason nods his head as well. "They definitely slept together. It's so obvious."

"But we didn't," Xavier retorts, glaring at the red-haired man.

"Oh really? How old are you?" Jason asks out of the blues.

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