17 ⚡ Wrong help

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Chapter 17

I don't know about you, but I just love the atmosphere the airport has. There's this exciting feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I walk inside that I can't get used to.

We're now in line for the check-in with people bidding their farewell, kissing, hugging all around us. A grin appears on my face. I love it.

"Why are you smiling?" the lion asks from beside me. I blink, shifting my gaze towards him, spotting his phone in-between his hands but his eyes on me.

I shake my head before looking ahead. "Nothing, I'm just happy to be here."

Xavier sighs dramatically. "And here I thought my mere presence was enough to bring a smile on your face."

I roll my eyes at that. "Your presence is enough to make my hair come out white instead of red from how stressful you can be."

He gasps. "I feel slapped."

I glance up at him, noticing how close he is with his eyes twinkling in amusement. The proximity makes my heart act up, but I don't want him to know the effect he has on me. Therefore, I turn my body toward him and put my hands on his rough cheeks. "How can someone slap this cute little face," I say in a baby tone.

Usually, Xavier would have rolled his eyes, mimicking what I just did. Now, his caramel complexion is becoming a lighter shade of red, leaving me wide-eyed.

What the...

"Do you like me?" I blurt out, making his eyes pop out.

He pushes my hands away from his face, taking a step back. "Are you out of your mind?"

My eyes travel down his fit body. Dark baggy jeans, blood-colored shirt and black boots. "If I am out of my mind, why are we dressed the same?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest, bringing my breasts closer.

Xavier's eyes drop before coming back up. "That's a coincidence."

I shake my head. "It's not because you chose my outfit."

The feline gets more embarrassed and I can't help but think how cute he looks right now. I already know that I like him, but I'm not surprised. It would be weird to not have any sort of feelings after all those sleepless nights together.

"So what if I like you? You're my best friend, it doesn't take much," he says, looking ahead.

A grin breaks on my face and I hook my arm around his. "Don't worry, I like you as well."

His eyes snap downward. "Really?"
he asks with the most hopeful eyes I've never seen before.

The look makes my freckled cheeks turn red as I nod my head. "Yeah, but it's normal. We've been sleeping together, after all."

It looks like Xavier didn't expect that answer from the drop of his smile. My heart clenches at the... disappointed look? "Yeah, you're right," he murmurs under his breath.

Am I missing something? Why is he sad? He should be happy... Right?

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask, gently nudging his arm.

He shakes his head, forcing a smile on his lips. "No, it's fine. Don't worry about it."

I stay quiet, not wanting to make things worse. All the while, the line kept moving and lucky for me, it's our turn to check-in.

Afterward, we sit down on the waiting room and pass the rest of the hour attached to our phones. Apart from the people around us chattering, a peaceful silence engulfs us until I get a message from none other than the Idiot Lion,

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