31 ⚡ Louisiana

499 44 31

Bruh, I'm so dumb. I don't know why I was convinced Georgia was next to Texas. Thank the Gods I went back to check. Just edited the last chapter 😂 Now, enjoy this one!

Chapter 31

"Xavier, I —" my moans easily roll off my tongue as my back slightly arches when he licks my bud.

My legs are tightly holding his face in place as he keeps licking me. One of my hands grabs his dreads while the other goes over my mouth, muffling half of my moans. I wish this would continue for at least half an hour.

When I glance down, my eyes lock with Xavier's piercing ones, and my face heats up in seconds. His gaze is unwavering as he flicks his tongue at such a perfect pace. Gods, I can feel my climax quickly building up.

I'm pretty sure he noticed it since he starts fastening his pace, making me gasp for air when I reach my high. My eyes roll back as my body twitches uncontrollably. Xavier's tongue retreats, getting replaced by his lips that trail kisses up to my breasts covered in my black sleeveless shirt.

My chest rises and falls at a quick pace as a baby smile tugs at my lips. "I will never get tired of seeing you come," he says, hovering over me.

A breathless chuckle comes from me. "Don't think this is over," I say, grabbing Xavier's button-up shirt and pulling him down into a slow kiss.

Xavier releases the sexiest hmm I've ever heard, smiling through the kiss. He pulls away, kissing the side of my mouth, followed by cheek. "I love you, Red," he says, looking at me with glowing eyes.


My eyes widen at hearing my feline's soft voice. The last time Foxy spoke was to order me to break up with Dante and run as fast as I can.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's not the first time I say it," Xavier says frowning.

I smile caressing his cheek. "I guess I just need to get used to it. A few weeks ago, you were so against relationships that hearing you say those words will leave me speechless for a while."

He sits down on his knees, handing me my underwear that laid beside us. "You're my twin flame. I don't need to worry about our relationship ending anymore," he says.


I blink as I quickly slip my underwear back on before sitting up. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I need you to elaborate on that."

"Well, I— Do you remember when we first met, and I told you my college years were the best years of my life?"

I nod, eagerly waiting to know the answer already. Why does he need to go that far back?

"Yeah, well, I might have lied. I was in a relationship but it came to a point where I didn't love her anymore. The fact is that we had been together for so long that I couldn't see myself having a life without her. But then I met Richard and I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to start over—"

"So you thought you the same thing would have happened with me, therefore fearing the end of our relationship because you're an egotistical coward." I nod to myself as Xavier looks down at his clasped hands 

"Guess what, Xavier? You can't control your feelings. And just because I'm your twin flame doesn't mean we'll live happily ever after. A twin flame can also bring the worst out of the other person and be toxic if they want to," I continue.

"I know it's hard to walk out of a person you've been in love with for a very long time, but if you stop having feelings for them, you should break up. It's not fair for them if you keep them close out of habit. And I hope if the time comes, you will break up with me because the last thing I want is to be in a loveless relationship."

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