16 ⚡Hiss

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Chapter 16

The sound of an ongoing engine twitches my feline ears awake. The first thing my eyes catch upon opening is an unexpected studious Xavier sitting beside me. His straight eyebrows are knitted in concentration as his yellowish eyes scan the papers in hand.

For how long did I sleep?

I look down at myself seeing that I'm still in my feline form. Without making a sound, I carefully get on my paws and move close enough to Xavier, peeking at the papers. Luckily, the soft couch doesn't emanate a sound from my short walk.

My eyes squint, trying to make sense of Xavier's unreadable writing. It looks like they are notes about someone. He even doodled a stickman with two triangles in his head which I'm guessing are animal ears.

Our last encounter comes to mind, and a surprising tiny growl vibrates through my chest, making Xavier aware of my awakened state. They are definitely notes about the Alpha.

Xavier's head snaps to me before he quickly puts the papers face down on the glass coffee table in front of us. "Don't scare me like that, little one," he says, petting my head.


I take out my claws and scratch his hand in a flash as I lean my head back. He gasps, sucking the blood from the new bruise. "You bitch, what is wrong with you?!" he says, glaring at me while I simply hiss in reply.

My tail is still as my back slightly arches upward. You searched the Alpha and didn't say shit. Work partners my arse!

With that, I jump off the couch and start walking further inside the clowder's yacht. We live in the middle of nowhere so a boat is essential.

My paws walk down the wooden staircase where all the bedrooms are located. The empty hallway is illuminated by purple LED lights. I go straight to the wooden door situated at the end of the corridor. Knowing Xavier, there's a high chance he put our stuff there. It's the biggest room, after all.

Footsteps are following me not so far off in the meantime. I stop, turn around, and hiss at a wide-eyed Xavier. His surprised expression is quickly replaced by an annoying one, and with two long strides, he picks me up by the scruff of my neck.

I try clawing at him but he keeps his arm stretched out, away from his face. "Now, you're pissing me off," he growls with his eyes glowing as he looks at me.

A chill runs down my back. I can feel his powerful energy suffocating me. I hate when he does that. Foxy is already ready to submit to him. Xavier slides open the door and throws my tiny form on the king-sized bed. "Shift," he orders, the tone of his voice leaving me with no option but to obey.

Meanwhile, he stands in front of the bed with crossed arms. My bones crack, elongating to accommodate my human form as the fur retracts. I close my eyes until I feel my hair covering my face.

My naked body is in a fetal position, shivering at the sudden cold breeze coming from the air conditioner. I quickly sit up, taking a pillow from behind me, and covering my upper body with it. "What do you want?" I hiss out, my eyes glaring up at Xavier.

The lion growls. "You're the one who has some explaining to do."

My feline is lowering her head in submission for the amount of power that's radiating off of him in waves. Nevertheless, my face hardens. "You're the one keeping secrets from me. We should be work partners, but strangely enough, you don't share your findings with me," I say, holding back the cracking of my voice.

I don't want him to know how upsetting it makes me feel.

Xavier puts a hand on top of his tied up dreads, his eyes briefly closing. "I'm doing it for your safety, and I won't have you scratching my hands because of it—"

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