39 ⚡ Weird

369 36 9

Chapter 39

thirteen days later

"You haven't eaten anything for the past couple of days, I'm worried." Xavier puts his hand on my forehead, "No fever as well."

I pull the sheets of my comfortable bed higher, only leaving my face out. "I just need to sleep," I say, turning the other way around.

Xavier sighs. "You've been sleeping for over ten hours. It's time to get up." The bed shifts, and the next thing I know, the idiot lion yanks the sheets from my body.

I shiver at the change of temperature, going into a fetal position as tears slide down my cheeks. "It's cold, Xavy," I whine, releasing an ugly sob I wanted to make sound cute.

"Don't Xavy me. I'm doing this for you, and why are you crying now?"

"How can I not cry when you're stealing all my warmth?" I ask, without holding back any tears.

Xavier sighs. "You've been uselessly sensible these past few days. You even skipped training for three days straight. I'm worried about you," he says, sitting down on the bed as I can feel it dip to accommodate him.

I turn around, facing his back covered in a grey shirt. I reach for it with my hand and tug it, silently begging for him to look at me. He complies, giving me a concerned expression that makes my heart happily flutter. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just feel like sleeping even though I did it for over eight hours. What time is it?"

Xavier grabs his phone from the bedside table. "Almost 2 pm. What do you want to do today?"

I smile. "I—"

The door bursts open, revealing a beautiful Nala with a grin on her face. "Come on losers! We're going hunting!" she yells before walking next door, repeating the same sentence.

Xavier and I exchange a confused look. "I guess we're going hunting," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

What can go wrong, anyway?


I don't even know why I try to even catch an animal. It feels like everyone runs faster than me. Ugh, I hate it.

My feline red ears perk up to the sound of rustling. I'm in my feline form, trying to hunt down anything at this point. The Clowder is scattered around the forest, and I'm impressed at how quiet everyone is.

With glowing green eyes, I catch a white rabbit a few feet away from me, munching onto something, his tiny nose quickly twitching.

Alright, girl, we can do this. I mentally say to both Foxy and me.

With cautious quiet steps, we lower our head, getting closer to our defenseless prey. I take a deep inaudible breath, and when I'm close enough, I make one fatal mistake. I step on a freaking twig.

I freeze at the noise. The rabbit's ears go up, and their black eyes land on me. Fuck. I sprint as he quickly skips away from me. Foxy takes control, running after it.

Unfortunately, we can't keep up with that damn speed. My run turns into a walk, and soon my feline body lies down on the ground. That's weird, I've never felt this tired before. I roll on my side, quietly observing the forest ahead of me with glowing eyes. I'm not a fast runner, but I usually manage to catch a rabbit at least.

My shallow breathing quietens down after a while. I can faintly hear the werecats' steps if I concentrate hard enough. Foxy releases a yawn. We woke up less than five hours ago. If I continue to sleep, I'm afraid I'll be suffering the opposite of insomnia, and I don't know which one is worse.

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