14 ⚡ Odd night

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Chapter 14

Xavier takes off my shirt, his eyes a constant golden color brightly glowing at me. Our lips taste each other, taking short breaks for every piece of clothing that gets discarded on the floor.

My arms wrap around his neck as he pushes me down on the bed before letting his fingers trail down the sides of my curves. Blood is rushing to my face up to the tips of my ears that are shifting into Foxy's form.

Her constant need to come out when Xavier is near is quite unsettling. Each passing day makes my feline purr for Xavier more than usual.

Xavier's lips move down to my neck, making soft pants come out of my mouth. My mind is completely void of logic as my body surrenders to him, eagerly responding to his every touch.

One of his hands smoothly cups my core as his lips get back to mine. My moan comes out muffled with my hips moving on their own accord when he slides a finger inside.

Xavier's chest vibrates, a growl so low that a shiver runs down my back. "You're more responsive than usual," he says, pulling his face back.

My hands are squeezing his shoulders as he slides another finger, moving in a torturously slow pace. "What does that even mean?" I whisper.

"Oh, nothing, just that, this," he speeds up, making my back slightly arch and my eyes roll back from the pleasure," is new, and I'm not complaining." He bends back down, lightly biting my neck that makes goosebumps rise on my body.

Foxy constant purring in the back of my mind stops. That's weird.

"Just do me already," I breathe out.

Xavier hums and in a blink of an eye, something bigger fills my core, leaving me gasping. He puts my hands above my head, intertwining our fingers as he effortlessly moves his hips in a perfect pace that makes me moan without any second thoughts.

My hooded gaze stares into his yellowish eyes that turn me on even more. I think it's the full moon effect that is making me feel so much. I squeeze his hands as he dips his head to my neck. My ears pick up on the quiet groan that leaves his lips, and Gods, it's one of the hottest sounds I'd gladly hear over and over again.

"Xavier," I call out followed by an unexpected moan when he moves deeper.

He replies with a hum as he pulls his hands away from mines, caging my head and grasping the sheets underneath, his biceps flexing at the action.

My arms go to hug his back only to let my fingers leave a scratching trail that makes him groan and huskily curse under his breath. "Let me come on top," I whisper.

Xavier chuckles sitting up and putting my legs over his shoulders. "Are you sure?" he asks, kissing my inner thigh. My mouth slightly opens at the view in front of me.

His dreads are in the usual men bun, his glowing eyes are unwavering from mine and his broad chest is glistening in sweat, highlighting the dark tattoos.

But it looks like I'm not the only one entranced by the view. Xavier has stopped moving, his gaze trailing down my body before coming back up. The look he's giving me makes my mouth run dry as Foxy is patiently waiting for something.

His ears shift into his lion's form and soon a soft tail is tickling the back of my leg. I can't help but giggle as I drop my legs back on the bed. That seems to have snapped him out of his daze. He blinks his eyes before pulling out and lying next to me.

"Everything alright?" I ask, straddling him.

"Yeah," he simply says, but it's enough to make my head tilt. His voice came out raspy, which is odd because he's more on the soothing, baritone side.

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