50 ⚡ Epilogue

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Chapter 50

two years later

I need to breathe before I pass out before even stepping outside of the wooden double doors. It's happening. It took us one extra year to tie the knot, but it's actually happening.

I'm getting married, and I can't breathe. How can humans do it? It feels like I'm about to die of nervousness. I pace around the vacant living room of the Clowder.

Xavier and I decided to have the wedding in front of the house. There have been some changes to the traditional Christian one, but I can't help to have this gut feeling that things won't go as planned. It feels too good to be true.

My feet are killing me from the uncomfortable black heels. I thought that living with heeled boots would have made the pain go away with real heels, but I guess I was wrong.

A knock on the door startles me. "Are you ready?" Richard asks from outside.

I shake my head. "I need five minutes," I say as I take deep, elaborated breaths.

"Are you planning to run away?" he asks.

I snort. "I would never do that."

"Then hurry up before Benjamin ruins the wedding by starting a rainstorm because of you," he says and doesn't wait for my reply since I hear his footsteps walking away.

He's right. It's time.

I lift the dark dress as I slowly head outside. My heels click against the marble floor of the entrance hall. My hair is elegantly put into a bun with few loose strands in the front. Everything is going to be alright.

Soft music gets louder the closer I get to the front door and stops when I open it. The chatter that I could hear from inside dies down, and I let my eyes roam at the scene.

The Clowder is split into two sides, looking at me with a wide grin. We put a red carpet that starts from the front door, leading toward my mate. The full moon is glowing above us.

I spot Nala in the last row, gently shoving my two-year-old son forward. Benji walks in the middle with a basket of vanilla petals. His wavy red hair is pushed back as his wide golden eyes look up at me as if in a daze.

"Mama cute," he says. If the princess-like blood-colored dress wasn't so pompous, I would have crouched down to hug him.

Instead, I smile. "Thank you, you're cute as well. Now, remember what we practiced for today?" I ask, already knowing his answer.

Benji nods his head before turning around and starts dropping the vanilla petals on the carpet as he walks forward.

A slow song starts playing in the background as I walk forward, seeing my father on the left with tears in his sapphire eyes. Slowly, my eyes shift to the right, and my mouth goes dry at the shocking sight of Xavier freely crying.

He doesn't even bother to wipe the tears away. His lips curve upward, and I can't help but do the same.

The first thing I do when I'm in front of what humans call an altar is hugging my father. "The dress looked so horrendous on the mannequin I can't believe it actually looks good on you," dad whispers into my ear, making a laugh bubble out of me.

"I love you," I say.

Dad chuckles. "I'm proud of you."

With that, we break from the hug, and I turn around at the dashing lion dressed in a white tux.

Xavier's infamous dreads are now gone, showing the world the beauty of his natural dark curls. He looks younger with them.

He grabs my hands, bringing them under his nose to kiss my knuckles. My face automatically heats up, receiving a proud smile from him.

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