20 ⚡ Task one

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Chapter 20

A gorgeous caramel man is standing in front of me in the sexiest attire I've ever seen him wear.

My eyes freely scan the beast from head to toe, letting my feline enjoy the view as well, which leads me to have glowing eyes. Xavier's dreads are neatly pulled into a bun, leaving one hanging on the side.

My mouth goes dry as I watch him cross his arms, the action making his biceps straining the button up white shirt. His brown elegant pants match perfectly with the outfit, finishing off with clean white sneakers.

He's always wearing sporty clothes, so the few times that he pulls something like that always leaves me with heart eyes.

A snap of fingers startles me. "Don't get distracted now, love," he says, teasingly.

I roll my eyes. "Sorry if you look hot," I say, walking down the hallway with Xavier following my pace.

"I think my heart just exploded for that compliment," he comments, exhaling loudly.

I glance up at him, finding his hands over where his heart is. "I always compliment you—"

"No, you don't—"

"When you deserve it," I finish, chuckling.

"Oh. What did I do to deserve this one?"

A mischievous smirk tugs at my lips. My eyes look toward the corners of the ceiling. There might be hidden cameras, but teasing Xavier beats everything. I want to hear him stutter.

With that in mind, I stop and push the tall man against the wall with my hand on the center of his chest. Xavier's eyes widen. "The way your biceps flexed against the shirt is still in a loop in my mind," I whisper into his ear.

His heart drastically beats faster. I smile innocently as I pull my face away to gaze at him through my eyelashes. His jaw is slightly hanging before he closes it, swallowing a lump. "Don't you think you deserve it?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

My hand slides from his chest to his face, tucking the dread behind his ear, which goes back to its place a second later. Xavier blinks a few times before smirking. "I prefer having another type of reward," he says huskily.

I frown when a hand trails up my uncovered thigh. My hand closes around the wrist. "What are you—" my words disappear with his mouth on mine.

His hand trails up until he squeezes one of my butt cheeks. I gasp and he takes the chance to search for my tongue in a heated dance. My heart is beating at such a fast pace that I'm scared I might get a heart attack.

My arms wrap around his neck while he puts a hand on my cheek that I quickly slap away. Xavier pulls away with a frown. "What the hell was that for?" he whispers.

"I can't risk having a pimple breakout now," I say before leaning for another kiss.

We don't move for a while. Someone might walk in on us at any second, but for once, I just want to taste him, letting my feelings bring me back to the past.

A past where a teenager me was looking at a young Xavier happily tutoring me about literature, even though I didn't need it. We were so close that I could inhale his bubblegum breath. It was the first time my heart skipped after knowing him for only a month. That was the beginning of my one-sided crush.

Butterflies erupt from my stomach and I pull away from the present kiss. Xavier is looking at me with a dazed look. "We should move," I quietly say, quickly detaching myself from him and fast walking to and down the stairs. I can't like him like that again.

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