29 ⚡ Love

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Chapter 29

The man who I've been labeling as my best friend is kissing my tears away after revealing his feelings for me. "From the way you're crying, it looks like I'm not the only one whose feelings changed."

I blink at him, my ears refusing to believe what just happened. "You love me?" I ask, unable to stop the damn tears. Even Foxy who has always been open with her feelings toward the lion is under shock.

Am I being punked? From the way he's smiling, it doesn't look like a joke, though.

Xavier nods as he leans down, giving me a peck on the lips. "For a while even," he says.

My heart that has been eating my stomach is now happily fluttering, bringing warmth to my cheeks. "I love you too," I say as I start crying like a baby.

My man's eyes get bigger at my sudden cry. I cover my face with my hands, letting the happy tears freely wet the sheets beneath me. "Don't you want to love me? Why are you crying?" he asks.

I shake my head, taking deep breaths in. "I'm just happy," I say in-between hiccups.

A deep chuckle makes my stomach churn. Without saying another word, Xavier falls beside me and pulls my body against his broad chest. I can hear his beating heart quickening for me.

My hands leave my face to return the hug. "I love you, Xavier," I say with my voice coming out muffled. "You're mine," I whisper out.

I'm pretty sure he heard that since his chest vibrates, making a light laugh fill the room. "I'm all yours," he says, kissing the top of my head.

A grin sneaks on my face to the point where my cheeks start to hurt.

"Although I do not intend to stay here for one more day, so whatever is going on with the werecats, we must find it now before I kill that Alpha," he says.

I nod my head, letting my feline's purrs be heard. "Whatever you say," I murmur, lifting my head.

Xavier smiles before dipping his head and locking our lips together. I melt into them, letting his arms slide down around my waist while mine go around his neck. The kiss is sweet, innocent even, with little tongue action and more sucking at our lower lips.

My body doesn't hesitate to heat up, and I smile when I feel Xavier's bulge touch my inner thigh. He releases a growl, his fingers trailing down to my butt and squeezing the cheeks.

I don't hold back the low moan as he pulls away. "Can I mark you?" he asks with soft eyes.

My whole face is in flames as I give him a shy nod. "How does it work, though? I'm not your mate."

"Do you remember when I showed you how my scent got mixed with yours?"

I nod, smiling at the memory. "I do."

Xavier's gaze moves elsewhere. "And remember when I was about to mark you during the full moon?"

I nod once again.

"The lion's mark is a combination of both. I have to half-shift and bite either your neck or one of your breasts."

I wince, thinking of my boobs being bitten by him. "The last one sounds very painful."

"Not if you do it right," he says, giving me a wink.

I laugh as I push him down, straddling him. "I'm not letting you bite my boobs with those canines."

Xavier pouts as his hands rub along the side of my waist. "We'll see about that."

I can simply roll my eyes before sliding down enough to make me lie down on his bare chest, loving the way his heart quickens.

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