24 ⚡ Wrong name

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Chapter 24

"You must be fucking with me," Dante says, getting out of the bed, his naked lean body pacing around the room.


I blink a couple of times, sitting up on the bed. "What did I do?"

Dante laughs dryly. "You are something else, Alexa. You just called me Xavier."

My green eyes pop out. I did? "Really?" I ask in astonishment.

Dante's almond-shaped black eyes narrow at me. "Do you love him? I told you I don't take couples in here."

My gaze moves toward the white ceiling. "We're just friends," I say in a quiet tone.

"Bullshit, and you know it," he retorts when I feel the bed shift. A sign that Dante sat down.

"I might be infatuated by him," I confess after a bit.

Dante snorts. "Alexa Reeds infatuated? Are you on your denial stage?"

I lower my eyes to find Dante sitting at the edge of the bed with his hands on his hair and his back facing me. "I'm not in denial," I say.

The wolf snorts. "Then say that you have feelings for Xavier."

The heck?

"Why do you seem so calm about it?"

Dante twists his body around. His bulky tattooed arm grabs my attention as he gives me a soft smile. "We're not mates, and from what I've smelled, neither is Xavier, even though he marked you."

My eyes widen. "If you know about the marking then..." I can't bring myself to finish the sentence. He knew from the beginning.

Dante nods. "I knew it ever since you walked in here. Your scent of sweet pumpkin spice is mixed with—" he takes a deep inhale, closing his eyes for a brief moment, "— vanilla, am I right?"

I can only nod, speechless.

"Just leave. This was a mistake," he says, passing his long fingers through his dark thick hair.

I shake my head. "No," I stand up, putting my satin, brown pajama back on, "it's the only time I might talk to the nice version of yourself," I say.

Dante chuckles. "Whatever you have in mind won't work."

I lazily tie the satin short-sleeved brown bathrobe  before standing in front of the Alpha with crossed arms. "I don't get why you always think I have something in mind. I'm not planning to sabotage you, Dante." My nose would have poked his eye by now if I were Pinocchio.

Dante's daunting black eyes are boring into mine. My fingers are nervously playing with the fabric of the kimono gown. Say something!

"Then how come you're here? In Texas? In a well-known werewolf controlled zone who doesn't have a good reputation."

My fingers squeeze the fabric. "Because I need the money just like you do. Isn't it why you're doing this?"

The wolf smirks. "I'm doing it because it's what the Crimson Pack has been doing for decades, but cut the bullshit Alexa, you're here because you want to know what happens to the werecats, don't you?"

I blink, taking control of my emotions while my heart is starting to speed up. Is it that obvious?

I force a smirk on my lips as I tilt my head to the side. "Dante, you should know by now that I live in my bubble. Why would I risk coming here, knowing that people don't get out that easily?"

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