7 ⚡ One time

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Chapter 7

"Holy shit, you're good," Xavier breathes out, his hand pushing my head further down his length. His moan booms in the bedroom, the sound of it makes me want to be even better than before.

My hands are gripping his thigh as I let my tongue gracefully swirl around, absorbing every tiny sound that comes out of the lion. And to think I thought he would be the quiet type in bed.

With one last head movement, I pull away and look up at Xavier as I wipe away unshed tears that came out when he took too much control. "I hope you're not the type who comes in two seconds," I say, grinning jokingly.

Xavier throws his head back laughing while I stand up from the floor and straddle on his lap. "I'm letting you be the judge," he says, sounding sexier than usual.

A lump forms in my throat and I swallow it as his hands grip my ass. His golden eyes are looking at me filled with hunger, and next thing I know, we're kissing again. Our naked chests brush against each other with my hips moving on their own. The movement makes Xavier groan before he switches our position.

Our bodies roll down on the bed until he's on top of me. My legs lock around his waist while his hand starts twisting and pulling one of my nipples, delicately. A delightful warmth spreads throughout my body, making my core wetter and my head spin.

My moans get muffled by his mouth. I can hear my feline purring lovingly at the act we know will change everything tomorrow. Xavier moves his hips, making his erection rub against my bud. I drop kisses around his neck, enjoying the soft groans he makes in my ear.

"Xavier," I whisper out, "I'm ready." The last word comes out in an unexpected moan. My hands stop on his shoulders, and I let my fingernails dig into them.

The half-feline pulls away to look at me. "You're still on the pill, right?" he asks, and I can simply nod, not trusting my voice anymore.

A grin appears on his face and without another word, he pushes himself inside. My walls are stretching to accommodate his size as I cry out in ecstasy.

"Holy shit," Xavier whispers, dropping his head on my neck with his body trembling in delight. The feeling of him inside is overwhelming as he stays still.

His hands grab my love handles, and with one last exhale, he starts moving. My eyes roll back as he pounds me senselessly. Our pants echo in his bedroom. The bed slams against the wall for each movement and, fuck it feels fucking good.

Xavier pushes himself up, and with glowing eyes, he stares at me. The exchanged look makes me feel all giddy inside. Why is he looking at me like that? He puts my legs over his shoulders, moving in a torturously slow pace.

"I like y— this," he stutters, taking a hold of one of my breasts, his cheeks slightly heating up.

A soft smile tugs on my lips, enjoying the gentle pace he's going. I put my hands around his neck, pulling down enough to kiss him. "Same," I whisper out.

Xavier bites his lower lip before pulling away only to turn me around like a pancake. I quickly grab his pillow before resting my head on it, letting my ass in the air and cursing out loud when he goes back inside.

"This is way better than I imagined," he breathes out with his elongated nails digging into my hips. I completely lose control, letting my feline merge with me. Although my feline side can only feel something through the matebond marking, the fact that she likes Xavier makes even a tiny lick be enough. My ears shift into pointy cat ears, the color identical to my red hair, and a long tail comes out of my tailbone while my fingernails become longer.

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