3⚡ Useless confrontation

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Chapter 3

"Nock!" Xavier's booming voice orders over the felines' roars that are fighting against each other.

I take the custom-made red arrow from the leather quiver resting on my back and place it on my dark bow. Rangers besides me take their aims, each with different weapons.

I love training; ever since the war ended, more solitary werecats decided to join us, which means more work-out had to be done, but I don't mind. It's not only useful to keep a healthy lifestyle but also to defend yourself from strangers.

Our training session is divided into three groups. The first one concentrates on the human side, and the second on the feline. Both finish off by learning how to fight from a close range. That's when the third one comes into the picture. It was created for those who are better at fighting from a distance, also known as Rangers.

Cardboard human silhouettes are a few feet away from us. I slow down my breathing and glance at Xavier, whose eyes are already set on me.

"Draw!" he yells to me, and I fully draw back the arrow, focusing back on the cardboard.

Xavier stays silent for a moment, making my arm start to burn for the static position. I peek at the others, seeing a few arms shaking as they hold the heavy, different types of guns.

"I can see you shake Jason!" Xavier yells, receiving a curse from the redhead feline.

"For fuck's sake, let us fire this shit," another guy voice says. I purse my lips, holding back the laugh that wanted so badly to come out. Meanwhile, my arms are starting to shake.

Xavier laughs at us before finally giving us the order to shoot. I breathe in one last time before releasing the arrow and watch it fly away from me, hitting the heart of the cardboard.

The sound of multiple guns firing soon ring in my ears. Most of the shots went perfectly.

"Perfect! Now I want the gunmen up on the roof, find the objective I put far away from here, and shoot it. There are ten objectives in total, ranging from a plastic bottle on top of a tree to a cardboard human, imperfect hiding in the woods," Xavier says. Everyone around me walks away, leaving me alone.

"Archers! Well... Archer," he murmurs seductively on my ear. I roll my eyes, turning around and pushing him off, putting some distance.

"We're training," I say with narrowed eyes.

"Look around, everyone's training," he says, taking a step ahead.

I glance around, seeing on my left some felines fighting each other while others are staying in their human form doing the same thing. Looking up to the roof of the stone-built villa, I catch the gunmen searching for the objectives.

"I need training as well," I say turning around, and picking another arrow, smoothly drawing it back and loose it, watching it hit the center of my objective.

"You've mastered the bow, so you're your own master at this point. My knowledge for archery doesn't compare to yours," he says, standing beside me with crossed arms.

I keep loosening my arrows until none are left in the quiver with Xavier silently watching me.

The last shots didn't go perfectly, and I blame my weak, burning arms for it. I should train them more.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, lowering my bow.

"Do you think we'll be attacked by another pack?"

I glance at him before looking away from his gaze. "If you think about it, werecats went into hiding because of Alpha Riven. He controlled half of America, but now he's dead, and our country got equally divided to prevent different species from killing each other. I don't think someone will attack us. Plus, if they do it, the Creatures Council promised us that they'll do everything in their power to stop it."

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