28 ⚡ Werecats

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Chapter 28

My fingers twirl the shining ring around my middle finger. With Dante knowing about my feelings for Xavier, it looks like he's starting to trust me more.

It's been a couple of days since Xavier and I had the twin flames talk. We didn't have much time to catch up because Dante makes me work until late at night. Even though I always work out, cleaning the packhouse is making my body sore.

The only place Dante doesn't allow me to clean is his office, which makes me guess that all my answers are in that room. Of course, the more days pass, the more I'm convinced about my theory.

Dante is providing felines to his clients because they want us. I just need to figure out why and what I can do to stop it. Unless they're volunteering, the business should be nonexistent.

Humans after humans come and go from the house, all aware of the creatures' existence and wanting nothing but to be a part of it.

"Alexa," someone calls.

My gaze lifts to meet Dante's one. "What are you doing in front of my office?" he asks.

I straighten my back, pushing my body away from the wall. "Can we talk?" I ask as he unlocks the door.

I want to try asking him directly about werecats and see what happens. My patience is running thin. Plus, he's my ex, and I've been cleaning the house for days.

"Come on in," he says, walking around the neat desk and sitting down on his wheeling chair.

My feet follow him inside, and I close the door before taking my seat. "You know it's been a while since I've been here, right?" I start.

Dante rests his handsome face onto the palm of his hand. "Are you finally going to tell me the real reason why you're here?" he asks.

I blink, tilting my head to the side. "You already know why I'm here, but leaving that aside, do your clients only ask for humans? Because I've seen dozens of them come and go, but no werecats."

"Why do you care about werecats so much?" he asks, furrowing his thin dark eyebrows.

I smile, leaning back against the chair. "I'm here because I knew werecats were doing the same thing humans do. I wanted to meet other fellow felines. You know, Xavier can be a little annoying sometimes."

Dante chuckles at the mention of Xavier. "Did you confess your feelings for him?" he asks instead.

My eyes narrow. "Don't change the subject. When can I meet other werecats?"

He shrugs at that. "I don't think you ever will. Werecats are different than humans. I send them off directly to my clients, so no one will stop here."

I hum to myself. Dante cares about humans acting a certain way, but not with werecats? The question I have in mind might jeopardize the lie I told him about being here for the money, but I need to know.

"Are you sending werecats off against their will?" I ask, squeezing my clasped hands.

Dante's face hardens. A chill runs down my back as I take a deep inhale, my eyes unwavering from his. "So you're here because of them," he says, standing up.

My jaw clenches as I try keeping a straight face. "I'm not—"

"Cut the crap. It makes sense now. I knew someone was going to come and investigate, sooner or later." He traps me on the chair by grabbing the arms of it. I have to crane my neck up to look at him.

Did I just fuck everything up?

"What do you mean by that?" I quietly ask.

Dante's eyes are void of emotion. "Take off your clothes if you want to know the answer."

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