37 ⚡ Kill them all

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Chapter 37

The stench of blood is making me sick. Four lifeless bodies are lying on the ground. One of them being Dante.

I feel sick.

My eyes land on Xavier's bloody face.

I might throw up.

The color on my face drains as I look at the gruesome scene in my living room. It was our only option, right?

Why don't I feel good about it?

Oh Gods.

My stomach twists and my legs take me to the bathroom to throw my guts out. 

Dante's dead.

He's dead.

His wide eyes void of life are vivid in my mind, making me puke some more. Tears are sliding down my cheeks. A hand on my back makes me jump.

"It had to be done. I'm sorry, Red," Xavier murmurs when another voice makes itself known.

"I called the Creatures Council. Alpha Denver will arrive first thing in the morning. He said to not touch the bodies until then," the rough voice of my dad speaks up.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that, sir," Xavier says, his hand rubbing my back as I lean my head on the side of the toilet. My mind can still hear the sound of a neck breaking and an agonizing scream abruptly stop. He's dead.

"I've heard the conversation. No one deserves to die, but if the death of a few can save millions, I would have done the same," dad says.

What's gonna happen to the Crimson Pack? Dante didn't have a Luna nor a child, so the Beta should step up. What about his business? Did we stop it? Or will they continue?

The image of a dead Dante is haunting my mind, and I can't stop the sob from leaving my lips. My stomach is so tight it's getting harder to breathe with my chest constricting as well.

My body gets scooped up by Xavier, and I hide my face from dad as I quietly cry the pain out. He's gone.

Words are exchanged between the two men, but I'm too focused on my mind to hear them. Xavier's smell of blood makes me scrunch my nose. Regardless, when he puts me down on the bed, I wrap my arms around his neck, refusing to let him go.

"Alexa, I'm not in a condition to touch the bed now," he says, trying to free himself from me.

I shake my head. "I don't care," I murmur, hearing him sigh.

He pulls my body into a sitting position, and I reluctantly released my hold, watching him crouch down in between my legs. "Do you want to talk about it?" he quietly asks as if I might break at any moment.

I let him wipe the tears from my cheeks with his thumb. "I feel weird," I say in-between deep breaths. "A part of me is glad because now werecats might be safe, but another part is full of guilt. Was he alone because of me? He wasn't like that when I first met him."

Xavier gives me a small smile. "How was he?" he asks with more tears sliding down my cheeks.

"He was kind, funny, mysterious, a bit cold, and always studying. He was— he was a good person," I hiccup at last.

"That last statement is debatable, but I'll let it slide just because you're grieving. Now let me take a shower to take all the blood off and hug you until your tears dry out and you fall asleep," Xavier says, getting back onto his feet, his knees cracking at the action.

I bring my hands under my eye-view, seeing the blood for the blue-eyed white man I finished before he could touch Xavier. "I should shower as well," I murmur.

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