Chapter 01

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Jessica was so bored in the office so she took out her phone and opened her Twitter while waiting for some papers she will sign.

She's now scrolling on her feed when she saw her bestfriend's tweet.

She gets ready now before her bestfriend and her girlfriend arrives at her company

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She gets ready now before her bestfriend and her girlfriend arrives at her company.

After getting ready, Tiffany texted her and she opens it quickly to reply.

After getting ready, Tiffany texted her and she opens it quickly to reply

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She went down quickly because she's starving like hell. And she saw her bestfriend along with her girlfriend. They greet each other and went inside Yuri's car to go to their friend's restaurant.


They arrived at the restaurant and Yuri park her car as the both American Girls went inside seeing the tall girl talking one of the waiters.

"Soo, long time no see!" Tiffany screamed as they hugged the tall girl.

"Good thing we just opened and there's no customers yet, or else I will go bankrupt." Sooyoung teased the redhair girl.

"Hi Jessi, How's work?" She added.

"Good Soo, just stressed from files and finding some models for our new clothes and other cosmetics." Jessica massage her temple as she remembers her work.

"Hey Soo!" The tan girl screamed as well when she saw her buddy.

"Oh Yul, You're just like Tiffany eh?" Sooyoung teased again and they all laughed as the 3 girls sat down to their seat and ordered some foods.

After 20 minutes, Sooyoung joined them to their seat and they talk about life.

"Oh Sica, Before I forget. About you mentioning that you're finding some models for your brand?" Sooyoung asked.

"Oh yeah, why did you ask?" Jessica wipes her mouth.

"I think I just got the perfect candidate for that." Sooyoung winked at Jessica.

"Really? can you bring her to my office this week? I really need it so bad." Jessica said and Sooyoung smiled and nodded at her.

Tiffany's phone suddenly vibrated and looks at it as her eyes opened widely.

It all started on Twitter. (Completed) | TaengSicWhere stories live. Discover now